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Malpighia glabra L. – evolution of the chromatic and antioxidant parameters in three differente stages of Acerola ripening

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The so called ‘Superfruits’ are linked to small red fruit berries growing in tropical climates which have high levels of phenolic compounds, vitamins which have beneficial health effects. This study aimed to assess the evolution of chromatic parameters and associate them to the antioxidant parameters in three stages of ripening of Acerola fruits. As ripening increased, a decrease in the levels of phytochemical compounds was observed – the unripe fruits showed the highest levels of total phenols and antioxidant activity. The highest levels of total monomeric anthocyanin content were found in semi-ripe fruit. In terms of fruit juice, the same trend was observed as for fruit, only differing in the levels of anthocyanin, where the juice of ripe fruits presented the highest levels.

6 pages
Authors: S. Avila, A.A.F. Zielinski, C. Goltz, A. Nogueira, G. Wosiacki
Published in FRUIT PROCESSING 6/2013