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Business Contacts


BUSINESS CONTACTS directory print and online – potential customers can find you better

The BUSINESS CONTACTS directory serves as a supplier’s register for all those looking for suppliers in specific areas within the fruit beverage industry.
The company directory is divided into two platforms:

1. BUSINESS CONTACTS print directory

This section appears in every monthly issue of the FRUIT PROCESSING magazine. The participating companies present themselves with an advertisement (85 mm x 55 mm), which contains up to 4 highlighted keywords in the header and a freely designable area (85 mm x 45 mm) for e.g. contact details, logo, QR code, picture or text.

2. BUSINESS CONTACTS online directory – with search function
The online directory on the website allows buyers to conveniently search for suppliers to the fruit beverage industry, by category or name, at any time. Logo, contact details, description as well as business fields can be seen. The map shows where the company is located.
If you would also like to be listed in the BUSINESS CONTACTS directory, there are various options:

  • Both platforms, i.e. BUSINESS CONTACTS print & online – the advantage package for comprehensive presence in every FRUIT PROCESSING issue and on the web at
  • Print entry, BUSINESS CONTACTS print: Your advertisement (85 mm x 55 mm) appears in every FRUIT PROCESSING issue (print + online issues).
  • Online directory, BUSINESS CONTACTS online: Complete entry in the BUSINESS CONTACTS online directory at
  • Free entry BUSINESS CONTACTS online – only with company name and address in the corresponding categories.

Would you like to participate? We will be happy to answer your questions at +49 (0) 2634 9235-16/-11 or
Click here for the BUSINESS CONTACTS online directory