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A crushing separation machine (CSM) for producing apple juice with low enzymatic browning

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In addition to fresh consumption, apples are also processed into several products; juice, apple chips, jam and jelly. Apple juice contains a high level of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity, such as flavonoids, which may help prevent cardi-ovascular diseases or cancers (Hollman 2001). Therefore, apple juice occupies an important part of our daily diet. However, changes in apple juice color during processing and storage can be a major inconvenience because color defects can impair the sensory properties of the product and lower its nutritional value.

7 pages
Authors: H. Deng, Y. You, Q. Xia, Y. Meng (cor. author: Y. Meng), N. Qiu, Y. Guo, G. Ge
Published in FRUIT PROCESSING 5/2015