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In Egypt, SIG is launching ‘Recycle for Good’, an innovative recycling initiative to enable direct household and food service industry collection of used aseptic carton packs through tech-based solutions. This initiative involving SIG and Tagaddod is the first of its kind in the Egyptian market.

Consumers can use a mobile app to arrange for their used cartons to be collected from their homes or workplace in exchange for rewards. The project aims to incentivise recycling of used beverage cartons, ensuring high-value resources remain in circulation while benefitting local communities.

SIG is working with Tagaddod on this project. They are leading the collection of the cartons. Tagaddod is the first company in Egypt to enable direct household and food service industry waste collection through tech-based solutions. Its app allows consumers and businesses in the food service industry to arrange collection of their used beverage cartons in exchange for rewards. The initiative uses Tagaddod’s existing logistics network, and household brand Green Pan to collect the cartons.

Recycling SIG carton packs keeps high-quality renewable materials in circulation for longer. All the materials used to make aseptic carton packs – paperboard, aluminium and polyethylene – can be recycled as valuable resources that can be used to create new products.

Only around 60% of the waste Egypt generates annually is collected currently, and less than 20% of this is properly disposed of or recycled. With no segregation of waste at household level, there is a huge need for collection initiatives such as this one.

SIG is committed to partnering with others to increase the collection and recycling of used beverage cartons, supporting the shift towards a circular economy. Recycling of packaging is an industrywide issue, and SIG partners on this with many different stakeholders, including industry peers, customers, consumers, and national and local governments. As recycling rates, regulations and infrastructure vary widely in different countries and municipalities, SIG take a tailored approach through local roadmaps in priority countries.