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All oranges 15.0 million boxes

The 2024-2025 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 15.0 million boxes, down 16 percent from last season’s final production. The total includes 6.00 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 9.00 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The Navel orange forecast, at 190,000 boxes, accounts for 3 percent of the non-Valencia total.

The estimated number of bearing trees for all oranges is 30.3 million. Trees planted in 2021 and earlier are considered bearing for this season. Field work for the latest Commercial Citrus Inventory was completed in June 2024. Attrition rates were applied to the results to determine the number of bearing trees used to weigh and expand objective count data in the forecast model.

An 8-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma, and the 2022-2023 season, which was affected by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom

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Results of the annual Commercial Citrus Inventory show total citrus acreage is 274,705 acres, down 17 percent from the last annual survey. The net loss of 57,551 acres is 14,505 acres more than what was lost the previous season. New plantings at 4,751 acres are down from the previous season.

All 23 published counties included in the table on page 3 showed decreases in acreage. Hendry County lost the most acreage, down 12,374 acres from the previous season. Polk County leads in citrus acreage with 58,516 acres, followed by Desoto County at 51,800 acres.

Orange acreage is now at 248,028 acres, down 18 percent from the previous season. Valencia acreage now accounts for 63 percent of the total orange acreage, non-Valencia acreage represents 35 percent, and the remaining orange acreage is unidentified …

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All Citrus Value Up 6 Percent, Production Up 12 Percent

The USD 221 million preliminary on-tree value of the 2023-2024 citrus crop is 6 percent more than the USD 208 million revised value for 2022-2023.

Florida’s all citrus production in 2023-2024 is 20.2 million boxes, up 12 percent from the previous season’s 18.1 million boxes. All orange production increased by 14 percent to 18.0 million boxes. Non-Valencia production at 6.76 million boxes is up 10 percent from the 2022-2023 season. Valencia orange production at 11.2 million boxes is up 16 percent. All grapefruit production decreased 1 percent to 1.79 million boxes. Tangerine and tangelo production in 2023-2024 is down 6 percent from the previous season

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Data released by the USDA in late July reinforced the scenario of limited world supply for the 2023/24 orange season (or 2024/25 in the Southern Hemisphere). Despite the slight increase in the production estimate compared to the crop before, the total volume may continue at historical low levels. Moreover, the decrease in Brazil, major global producer of both orange and juice, may not be counterbalanced by other suppliers.

The USDA indicates that the 2023/24 world crop is projected at 47.4 million tons, upping 1 % compared to the season before. In Brazil, the output may decrease 1.2 %, to 15.3 million tons – equivalent to 375 million 40.8-kg boxes. However, the decrease indicated by the USDA might be underestimated. In São Paulo and in Triângulo Mineiro, the production is likely to drop 24.4 %, according to Fundecitrus, and there are doubts whether a possible increase in other states would compensate the low volume produced in the citrus belt.

Orange juice

In spite of the slight rise in the global orange production, the orange juice output is projected at 1.5 million tons, 3 % down against the season before. The decrease is related to the lower availability of fruits to process in Brazil, which represents more than 70 % of the global OJ production.

The Brazilian output is calculated at 1.1 million tons, downing 9 %, and national exports are likely to decrease in the same intensity, since almost 100 % of the Brazilian production is sent to the international market.

Tahiti lime

The global production of lemons and limes in 2023/24 is estimated to move up 2 %, reaching 10.1 million tons, boosted by the higher output in the European Union and in Turkey.

It is worth noting that these numbers consider lemons (Sicilian, for instance) and limes (such as the tahiti lime). Among major producing countries, only Mexico produces significant volumes of tahiti lime (which is produced and exported by Brazil). Mexican shipments are likely to reduce 7.5 %, which can keep the focus of this country on supplying the US, opening more room for the Brazilian tahiti lime in the European market – Brazil has been hitting records in exports year after year.


Global orange production for 2023/24 is estimated to rise 1 percent to 47.4 million tons as lower production in Brazil and the European Union is more than offset by larger crops in Egypt, the United States, and Turkey. Consumption and fruit for processing are both up with production while exports are flat.

U.S. production is estimated to rise 8 percent to 2.5 million tons on higher yields due to favorable weather. Consumption, imports, and exports are flat, while oranges for processing are up with the increase in supplies.

Brazil production is estimated down slightly to 15.3 million. Lower yields are expected, primarily due to poor weather conditions that contributed to drought, as well as some impacts from greening. Consumption and fruit for processing are estimated down with the reduced supplies

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The 2023-2024 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 18.0 million boxes. The total is comprised of 6.76 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties), unchanged from the June forecast, and 11.2 million boxes of Valencia oranges, up 100,000 boxes from the June forecast. The forecast of all Florida grapefruit production remains at 1.79 million boxes. Of the total grapefruit forecast, 240,000 boxes are white, and 1.55 million boxes are the red varieties. The Florida all tangerine and tangelo forecast is unchanged at 450,000 boxes

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Record orange juice prices are expected to escalate orange juice production as growers increase deliveries for processing. Growers are diverting oranges from the export market and local sales towards processing on favorable prices. Good rainfall in the Spring of 2023 ensured sufficient rain for irrigation across all citrus producing regions. Production of all citrus types is expected to improve in both volumes and quality in MY 2023/24. However, the Northern production regions experienced some dry conditions during the growth period which led to smaller sized fruit, reducing the percentage of fruit that meets export specifications. Orange, grapefruit, and lemon exports for MY 2023/24 are revised downwards on smaller fruit size and diversion to local processing

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For marketing year (MY) 2023/24, Post updates fresh lemon production down to 1,700 metric tons (MT). This revision is attributed to the unexpected weather conditions with temperatures higher than usual and rains during harvest that affected original production estimates. Post also updates MY 2022/23 production to 1,850 MT, attributed to severe drought conditions than initially expected. For MY 2023/24, fresh orange production is estimated to drop to 653,000 MT. Similarly, fresh tangerine production is expected to decrease to 280,000 MT. Due to the increase in production, lemon exports are expected to rise to 220,000 MT. Sweet citrus exports are also expected to rise from the last official estimates, with fresh orange exports forecast at 35,000 MT and tangerine exports forecast at 24,000 MT

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In MY 2023/24, the drop registered in EU orange and mandarin production was not compensated by the larger lemon and grapefruit output. EU citrus production is concentrated in the Mediterranean region. Spain and Italy represent the leading EU citrus producers, followed by Greece, Portugal, and Cyprus.

The EU is a net importer of citrus fruits, with imports largely exceeding exports. A large amount of trade takes place internally, from producing to non-producing EU Member States. With trade through Asian routes becoming increasingly challenging, EU neighboring citrus producers in the Mediterranean Basin (such as Egypt or Turkey) are concentrating their export efforts in the EU. This has been particularly true during the first half of the marketing year, coinciding with the Northern Hemisphere citrus producing season and resulting in increasing competition in the region. EU citrus exports in MY 2023/24, largely concentrated in non-EU Member European countries, are projected to decline only marginally

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All Oranges 17.9 Million Boxes

The 2023-2024 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 17.9 million boxes. The total includes 6.76 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 11.1 million boxes of Valencia oranges

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The Brazilian orange crop for Marketing Year (MY) 2023/24 is forecast at 378 million 90-pound boxes (MBx) – standard reference, equivalent to 15.42 million metric tons (MMT), a decrease of 7.3 percent compared to previous Post estimate (408 million boxes or 16.5 MMT), primarily due to poor weather conditions that culminated in a more severe drought, as well as impacts from greening. Meanwhile, Post revised the orange weight forecast to 165 grams/5.82 ounces in MY 2023/24, 4.2 percent heavier than Post previous estimate of 158 grams due to the lower production and consequent more room for the fruits to grow. Post revised the total forecast related to the Brazilian FCOJ 65 Brix equivalent production for MY 2023/24 at 1.06 MMT, a decrease of 8.62 percent vis-à-vis the Post estimate for MY 2022/23 (1.16 MMT), due to downward expected availability of fruit for processing provoked by drought, extremely high temperatures and increase of greening incidence

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Global sugar production is forecast up 2.5 million tons to 186.0 million with lower production in Brazil expected to more than offset higher production in Thailand, India, China, and Mexico. Consumption is anticipated to rise to a new record with growth in markets such as India and Pakistan. Exports are forecast lower due to reduced shipments from Brazil, India, and Thailand. Stocks are forecast lower as reduced stocks in Thailand are projected to more than offset a rise in stocks in India

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All oranges 18.8 million boxes

The 2023-2024 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is lowered 1.00 million boxes to 18.8 million boxes. If realised, this will be 19 percent more than last season’s revised production. The forecast consists of 6.80 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 12.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. An 8-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma, and the 2022-2023 season, which was affected by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom

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All Oranges 19.8 Million Boxes

The 2023-2024 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 19.8 million boxes, down 700,000 boxes from the January forecast. If realised, this will be 25 percent more than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 6.80 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 13.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. An 8-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, …

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All Oranges 20.5 Million Boxes

The 2023-2024 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 20.5 million boxes, unchanged from the December forecast. If realised, this will be 30 percent more than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 7.50 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 13.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. An 8-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma, and the 2022-2023 season, which was affected by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom. …

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All Oranges 20.5 Million Boxes

The 2023-2024 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 20.5 million boxes, unchanged from the October forecast. If realised, this will be 30 percent more than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 7.50 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 13.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. An 8-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma, and the 2022-2023 season, which was affected by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom

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All Oranges 20.5 Million Boxes

The 2023-2024 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is carried forward from October at 20.5 million boxes, up 30 percent from last season’s final production. The total includes 7.50 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 13.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The Navel orange forecast, at 300,000 boxes, accounts for 4 percent of the non-Valencia total …

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All Oranges 20.5 Million Boxes

The 2023-2024 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 20.5 million boxes, up 30 percent from last season’s final production. The total includes 7.50 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 13.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The Navel orange forecast, at 300,000 boxes, accounts for 4 percent of the non-Valencia total.

The estimated number of bearing trees for all oranges is 38.7 million. Trees planted in 2020 and earlier are considered bearing for this season. Field work for the latest Commercial Citrus Inventory was completed in June 2023. Attrition rates were applied to the results to determine the number of bearing trees used to weigh and expand objective count data in the forecast model.

An 8-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma, and the 2022-2023 season, which was affected by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom …

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Persistent unfavorable weather conditions are expected to have a significant impact on citrus production in Marketing Year (MY) 2022/23. Post forecasts lemon production to decline by 10 percent from MY 2021/22 to 1.65 million metric tons (MMT). Orange production is projected to fall by 13 percent to 623,000 MT, and tangerine production is expected to decrease by 18 percent to 285,000 MT.

Lemon exports are expected to decline to 200,000 MT in MY 2022/23, due to lower production. Orange exports are projected to decrease slightly to 55,000 MT, and tangerine exports are estimated to decrease to 30,000 MT, both due to smaller production …

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Orange Juice

Global orange juice production for 2022/23 is estimated 9 percent lower to 1.5 million tons (65 degrees brix). Production is down due to reduced fruit available for processing in Brazil, the European Union, Mexico, and the United States. Consumption is mostly flat while exports are estimated down with the reduced available supplies

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The Brazilian orange crop for Marketing Year (MY) 2022/23 is forecast at 410.6 million 40.8-kg boxes (MBx) or 16.75 million metric tons (MMT), a slight decrease of 1.1 percent vis-à-vis the current season, with the resumption of the biennial crop cycle and consequently, a lower fruit load per tree. Meanwhile, orange weight at harvest is projected to increase 3.71 percent in relation previous crop, due to heavy rains throughout the citrus belt since October 2022. FCOJ 65 Brix equivalent production for MY 2022/23 is forecast at 1.125 million metric tons (MMT), a decrease of nine percent from the estimated orange juice production for MY 2021/22, which was revised upward to 1.135 MMT. A larger share will supply the U.S. market to compensate Florida’s juice production, which was damaged significantly by hurricane Ian. …

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The 2022-2023 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 15.9 million boxes. The total is comprised of 6.15 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties), unchanged from the June forecast, and 9.70 million boxes of Valencia oranges, up 100,000 boxes from the June forecast. The forecast of all Florida grapefruit production is lowered 10,000 boxes to 1.81 million boxes. Of the total grapefruit forecast, 250,000 boxes are white, and 1.56 million boxes are the red varieties. The Florida all tangerine and tangelo forecast is now 480,000 boxes. …

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All oranges 16.1 million boxes

The 2022-2023 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 16.1 million boxes, increased 100,000 boxes from the February forecast. If realised, this will be 61 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 6.10 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 10.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression has been used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular and first late bloom.

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Global orange production for 2022/23 is estimated 5 percent lower to 47.5 million tons as lower production in the European Union and the United States is only partially offset by a larger crop in Egypt. Consumption and fruit going into processing are both down with the lower production. …

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All Oranges 16.0 Million Boxes

The 2022-2023 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 16.0 million boxes, down 2.00 million boxes from the January forecast. If realised, this will be 61 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 6.00 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 10.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression has been used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular and first late bloom …

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All oranges 18.0 million boxes

The 2022-2023 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 18.0 million boxes, down 2.00 million from the December forecast. If realised, this will be 56 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 7.00 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 11.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom.

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All Oranges 20.0 Million Boxes

The 2022-2023 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 20.0 million boxes, down 8.00 million boxes from the October forecast. If realised, this will be 51 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 7.00 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 13.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom.

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All Oranges 28.0 Million Boxes

The 2022-2023 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is carried forward from October at 28.0 million boxes, down 32 percent from last season’s final production. The total includes 11.0 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 17.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The Navel orange forecast, at 300,000 boxes, accounts for 3 percent of the non-Valencia total. The estimated number of bearing trees for all oranges is 44.0 million.

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All Oranges 28.0 Million Boxes

The 2022-2023 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 28.0 million boxes, down 32 percent from last season’s final production. The total includes 11.0 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 17.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The Navel orange forecast, at 300,000 boxes, accounts for 3 percent of the non-Valencia total.

The estimated number of bearing trees for all oranges is 44.0 million. Trees planted in 2019 and earlier are considered bearing for this season. Field work for the latest Commercial Citrus Inventory was completed in June 2022. Attrition rates were applied to the results to determine the number of bearing trees used to weigh and expand objective count data in the forecast model.

A 9-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom

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Results of the first orange and grapefruit maturity tests for the 2022-2023 season, using only regular bloom fruit, are listed below. Sample groves and trees remain relatively constant from season to season. Fruit was picked from trees throughout the citrus growing region on August 29-30, 2022. Each sample was weighed, juiced, and tested by the Florida Agricultural Statistics Service (FASS) on August 31, 2022, and September 1, 2022.

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Citrus Forecast

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 41.0 million boxes. The total is comprised of 18.3 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties), up slightly from the June forecast, and 22.7 million boxes of Valencia oranges, up 1 percent from the June forecast. The forecast of all Florida grapefruit production is up 1 percent at 3.33 million boxes. Of the total grapefruit forecast, 500,000 boxes are white, and 2.83 million boxes are the red varieties. The Florida all tangerine and tangelo forecast remains at 750,000 boxes …

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The Brazilian orange crop for Marketing Year (MY) 2021/22 is forecast at 414.4 million 40.8-kg boxes (MBx) or 16.91 million metric tons (MMT), an increase of 15 percent vis-à-vis the current season, supported by good weather conditions as of October 2021. Production costs are estimated at over R$ 33,000 per hectare (ha) or US$6,600/ha, up 27 percent compared to the previous crop, supported by high fertiliser, ag chemicals, and diesel prices. Total Brazilian FCOJ 65 Brix equivalent exports for MY 2021/22 are forecast to be relatively stable at 1.04 million metric tons (MT), an increase of 30,000 MT vis-à-vis MY 2020/21

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Turkey’s citrus production for MY 2021/22 is forecasted up year-over-year in large part due to improved weather conditions compared to the previous year’s hot weather. While production is up, growers are seeing profit margins shrink as input costs, such as fuel and fertiliser, increase at a faster clip than farm gate prices. To cut losses, some grapefruit, orange and mandarin growers opted to leave their crops unharvested. With the exception of oranges, more than 50 percent of Turkey’s citrus production is expected to be exported in MY 2021/22. Looking ahead to MY 2022/23, citrus production will likely decline because of freezing weather that damaged blossoms in March of this year …

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All Oranges 40.7 Million Boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 40.7 million boxes. The total includes 18.2 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 22.5 million boxes of Valencia oranges

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All Oranges 40.2 Million Boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is raised 2.00 million boxes to 40.2 million boxes. If realized, this will be 24 percent less than last season’s revised final production. The forecast consists of 18.2 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 22.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. …

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All Oranges 38.2 Million Boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is lowered 3.0 million boxes to 38.2 million boxes. If realized, this will be 28 percent less than last season’s revised final production. The forecast consists of 18.2 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 20.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression has been used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular and first late bloom …

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All Oranges 41.2 Million Boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 41.2 million boxes, down
2.30 million boxes from the February forecast. If realized, this will be 22 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 18.2 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 23.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression has been used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular and first late bloom

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All Oranges 43.5 Million Boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 43.5 million boxes, down 2 percent from the January forecast. If realized, this will be 18 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 17.5 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 26.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression has been used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular and first late bloom …

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Mexico orange production continues to recover from 2019/20 drought

Mexico orange production is forecast at 4.3 million tons, up 3 percent from the previous year due to a return to normal weather conditions in Veracruz. The 2019/20 drought affected orange production more than other citrus, as many orange trees are old and require more energy to produce fruit. Mexico produces three main orange varieties: Valencia, which is favorable for juice production; Lane Late, which is mainly consumed fresh; and Navelina, which is consumed fresh and is also used for juice production. Oranges are harvested mainly from November to May.

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All Oranges 44.5 million boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 44.5 million boxes, down 1.50 million boxes from the December forecast. If realized, this will be 16 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 17.5 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 27.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression has been used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular and first late bloom.

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All oranges 46.0 million boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 46.0 million boxes, down 1.0 million boxes from the October forecast. If realized, this will be 13 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 18.0 million boxes of the non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 28.0 million boxes of the Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom

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All Oranges 47.0 Million Boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 47.0 million boxes, down 11 percent from last season’s final production. The total includes 19.0 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 28.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The Navel orange forecast, at 450,000 boxes, accounts for 2 percent of the non-Valencia total.

The estimated number of bearing trees for all oranges is 49.4 million. Trees planted in 2018 and earlier are considered bearing for this season. Field work for the latest Commercial Citrus Inventory was completed in June 2021. Attrition rates were applied to the results to determine the number of bearing trees used to weigh and expand objective count data in the forecast model.

A 9-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom. …

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The 2020-2021 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 52.8 million boxes. The total is comprised of 22.7 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties), unchanged from the June forecast, and 30.1 million boxes of Valencia oranges, up slightly from the June forecast. The forecast of all Florida grapefruit production is unchanged at 4.10 million boxes. Of the total grapefruit forecast, 620,000 boxes are white, and 3.48 million boxes are the red varieties. The Florida all tangerine and tangelo forecast remains at 890,000 boxes

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The Brazilian orange crop for Marketing Year (MY) 2020/21 is forecast at 390.8 million 40.8-kg boxes (MBx) or 15.94 million metric tons (mmt), an increase of seven percent relative to the current season. Although citrus trees are in the on-year of the production cycle, adverse weather notably affected the production potential for the upcoming season. Total Brazilian FCOJ 65 Brix equivalent exports for MY 2020/21 are forecast relatively stable at 1.050 million metric tons (mt), an increase of 18,000 mt vis-à- vis MY 2019/20

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All Oranges 52.7 Million Boxes

The 2020-2021 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is raised 1.0 million boxes to 52.7 million boxes. The total includes 22.7 million boxes of the non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 30.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges.

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All Oranges 51.7 Million Boxes

The 2020-2021 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is unchanged at 51.7 million boxes. If realized, this will be 23 percent less than last season’s revised final production. The forecast consists of 22.7 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 29.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges.

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All Oranges 51.7 Million Boxes

The 2020-2021 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is down 3.80 million boxes to 51.7 million boxes. If realized, this will be 23 percent less than last season’s revised final production. The forecast consists of 22.7 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 29.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression has been used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular and first late bloom.

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Global orange production for 2020/21 is forecast to rise 3.6 million metric tons (tons) from the previous year to 49.4 million as favorable weather leads to larger crops in Brazil and Mexico, offsetting declines in Turkey and the United States. Consequently, consumption, fruit for processing, and fresh exports are also forecast higher.

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The Brazilian orange crop for Marketing Year (MY) 2020/21 is forecast at 415 million 40.8-kg boxes (MBx), equal to 16.93 million metric tons (mmt), an increase of 14 percent relative to the current season. The forecast assumes normal weather conditions will prevail as of mid-December 2020 to support fruit setting and development of the second blossoming in the Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais commercial citrus belt. The current orange crop estimate in the Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais citrus belt was revised downward from 287.8 to 269.4 MBx (11.74 mmt to 10.99 mmt) as a consequence of the lack of rain fall and high temperatures between September and October. Total Brazilian FCOJ 65 Brix equivalent exports for MY 2020/21 are forecast at 1.08 mmt, similar to revised figure for MY 2019/20

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All Oranges 56.0 Million Boxes

The 2020-2021 Florida all orange forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 56.0 million boxes, down 2 percent from the October forecast. If realized, this will be 17 percent less than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 22.0 million boxes of the non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 34.0 million boxes of the Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom. …

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