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Product safety: VOG Products is an SGF-certified memberSponsored Post – “SGF” stands for Sure – Global – Fair. It is the fruit juice industry’s voluntary self-regulation system. As a certified member of SGF, the processing company VOG Products from Trentino-South Tyrol guarantees high quality and safety standards that apply to the entire supply chain.

Traceability to the source and comprehensive quality control along the entire production line are key prerequisites for creating safe, high-quality products. VOG Products, the modern and innovative fruit processing company in Laives, places great importance to safety and quality.

Product safety: VOG Products is an SGF-certified member
The fruit juice industry set up a voluntary self-regulation system for all the production and trade stages of its products. (Photo: VOG Products)

The company belongs to 4 producers’ organisations from South Tyrol and Trentino plus 18 cooperatives from South Tyrol with a total of around 10,000 members. Most of the members are families that care for their apple orchards with love and devotion. Dealing with land and its resources respectfully is firmly embedded in the region’s long agricultural tradition.

VOG Products consistently processes the fruit of the family-run orchards and prepares it further – through its SGF certification as well. The association that supports SGF is committed to food safety and quality.

The fruit juice industry set up a voluntary self-regulation system for all the production and trade stages of its products: In other words, the quality, safety, authenticity and sustainability of juices, fruit nectars, and other products made from fruit in the global market are controlled and action is taken against food fraud. SGF ensures fair competition and compliance with legal and industrial quality and safety standards.

Product safety: VOG Products is an SGF-certified member
Christoph Tappeiner (Photo: VOG Products)

“VOG Products is not only a member of the private, non-profit organisation SGF International e.V. We also participate in the voluntary self-regulation system that includes inspections of our company, half-finished goods and finished goods along the entire supply chain,” explained Christoph Tappeiner, the CEO of VOG Products.

“We request our suppliers to undergo our hygiene, traceability and documentation inspections as well. The suppliers accept the code of behaviour, which contains rules on environmental and social aspects such as the exclusion of child labour. At VOG Products, we are convinced that our participation in the industry’s voluntary self-regulation system generates added value for both our company and our customers,” said Tappeiner, who is also a member of the SGF executive committee.