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Good value for money more important than low price – and organic is back

The complexity of world affairs has not lessened since March 2023. World crises have not gone away, rather the opposite. One positive development is that the inflation rate dropped in Europe1. This change is also reflected in the survey by Südzucker regarding consumers’ price sensitivity. If the price sensitivity is decreasing, other aspects of purchase criteria must gain importance in comparison. But what are the growing interests of consumers when buying food & beverages?

Main purchase criteria – naturlness, organic and regionality gain focus

The top three drivers for purchasing food & beverages did not change: taste, health and price. But while taste and price dropped significantly, health remained stable. Aspects like naturalness, organic and regionality, however, are continuing to grow in importance.

Taste as the number one purchase decision remained on a high level and far above from the second important driver – health. The drop may indicate that taste is more and more of a given for the consumer and a must-have. The fact that a good taste and sensory profile is a matter of course is also evident when it comes to sugar-reduced products.

Taste as the number one purchase decision remained on a high level and far above from the second important driver – health. The drop may indicate that taste is more and more of a given for the consumer and a must-have. The fact that a good taste and sensory profile is a matter of course is also evident when it comes to sugar-reduced products. 60 % (incl. Italy) are concerned about how sugar reduction in food/drinks is achieved. In comparison to price, taste went down in Belgium and the UK, while price fell significantly in all countries. One potential reason for consumers‘ decreasing price sensitivity could be explained by the decreasing inflation rate in Europe1; consumers no longer look for the cheapest product, but for the product with the best value for money that also fulfils other consumer needs. It must be clear to consumers what they are getting for their money

Please download the full Südzucker Consumer Study 2024 for free under

1Source: Eurostat – Annual inflation down to 2.45 in the euro area (