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“The world’s most sustainable company 2019” ranks no. 2 on Corporate Knights’ list for 2020

Today, Corporate Knights, a specialized Toronto-based media and investment research firm, published their annual ranking “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” 2020 in Davos, Switzerland. Last year’s no. 1 in the ranking, global bioscience company Chr. Hansen, cements its position at the top by coming out second on the list for 2020.

A catalyst for change

The renewed ranking in the world elite of most sustainable companies comes after a remarkable 2019 for the 145-year-old company. Highlights of the year included the no. 1 position on Corporate Knights’ list, inclusion on Fortune Magazine’s Change the World List of 50 companies that do well by doing good and the Golden Peacock Global Award for Sustainability presented in London as recently as November.

Another milestone in Chr. Hansen’s sustainability journey was reached when the company announced a groundbreaking agreement with Better Energy of switching 100 % to green electricity from two new solar parks, wind energy and bio gas for its Danish operations by April 2020. Through its engagement in establishing the new solar parks, Chr. Hansen is contributing positively to the transition to green energy in Denmark as a whole. While its Danish operations account for almost half of the company’s total electricity consumption, the model is scalable and can be introduced in other countries going forward.

The background for ranking Chr. Hansen the second most sustainable company in the world 2020:

  • Chr. Hansen improved its total score against Corporate Knights’ indicators. Although this was not enough for a first place this year, the company is still ranked as the number 1 most sustainable food ingredient company.
  • Clean revenue: Chr. Hansen has been able to account for and document its direct product impact on the UN Global Goals. 82 % of the revenue directly supports the UN Global Goals, and PWC has reviewed the methodology to document this.
  • The UN Global Goals are used as a framework to link the impact of the corporate strategy to sustainable development, and the performance is measured and reported on an annual basis.
  • Environmental performance: Chr. Hansen scored high relative to its peers on its environmental performance, specifically related to energy, CO2, water and waste. Continuously reducing its environmental footprint has been a priority during the past year. During 2019 it led to the partnership with Better Energy where Chr. Hansen committed to switching 100 % green electricity from two new solar parks, wind energy and bio gas for its Danish operations by April 2020
  • Diversity: Chr. Hansen score high on % of female directors, and also get some points from female senior executives and sustainability pay link

About Corporate Knights and the ranking
“Global 100”
Corporate Knights Inc., the company for clean capitalism, includes the sustainable business magazine Corporate Knights and a research division that produces rankings and financial product ratings based on corporate sustainability performance.
The Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World is an annual project initiated by Corporate Knights. Launched in 2005, the Global 100 is announced annually on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.