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Provisional, unaudited operating profit of EUR 158 million

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements of the AGRANA Group for the period to 28 February 2023 reveals a provisional, unaudited operating profit of EUR 158 million, which is therefore significantly higher than the Company’s own guidance (“up to + 50 % compared to prior year”).

The provisional consolidated earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)* for the 2022/23 financial year (1 March 2022 to 28 February 2023) amount to EUR 88 million (2021/22: € 24.7 million). EBIT takes into account impairment charges taken against assets and goodwill in the amount of EUR 91 million which were recognised in the half-year financial statements (prior year: net exceptional items expense of EUR 70 million). Group revenue will amount to EUR 3.6 billion (2021/22: EUR 2.9 billion).

AGRANA’s Management Board currently forecasts a very significant improvement in EBIT during the ongoing 2023/24 financial year (more than + 50 %). The assumption is that consolidated revenue will increase significantly (by more than + 10 % and up to + 50 %). Key uncertainties however remain the war in Ukraine and its consequences.

The 2022|23 annual results and the 2022/23 annual report will be published as scheduled on 17 May 2023.

*After exceptional items and share of results of equity-accounted joint ventures