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Strengthens global offering of natural extracts

Givaudan, one the global leaders in flavours and fragrances, announced that it is acquiring the Nutrition Division of Centroflora Group, as part of its 2020 strategy to strengthen its global offering of natural extracts and further develop its presence in Brazil.

Centroflora’s Nutrition Division (Centroflora Nutra) manufactures botanical extracts and dehydrated fruits for the food, beverage and consumer goods sectors. It offers a wide variety of plant extracts from various regions of the world, with a particular focus on those from the great biodiversity of Brazil. With headquarters and a manufacturing facility in Botucatu, Brazil, Centroflora Nutra employs about 116 people and exports products globally.

While terms of the deal have not been disclosed, Centroflora Nutra’s business would have represented approximately CHF 17 million of incremental sales to Givaudan’s results in 2017 on a proforma basis. Givaudan plans to fund the transaction from existing resources and is expected to close early 2018.