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The Prognosfruit Conference, Europe’s leading annual event of the apple and pear sector, is right around the corner. On 2-4 August 2023, the Italian region of Trentino (Italy) will welcome an estimated 300 delegates from Europe and beyond. Registration is still open for sector representatives interested in getting the latest updates on the preparations for the upcoming apple and pear season.

Prognosfruit, the leading annual event for the apple and pear sector, will take place in Trentino, Italy, from the 2nd to the 4th of August 2023. Prognosfruit 2023 is organised by WAPA in cooperation this year with APOT (Associazione Produttori Ortofrutticoli Trentini). After more than 20 years, the Italian region of Trentino is ready to welcome back a delegation of 300 leaders from the apple and pear sector from Europe and beyond. Registration is open on the Prognosfruit website until 25 July 2023, along with all the information to book accommodation in Trento.

The complete programme of Prognosfruit 2023 is available on the Prognosfruit website. The three-day event will gather the most important representatives of the sector to learn about the upcoming European apple and pear production and latest market trends, covering as well as the EU neighbourhood and the USA, China, and India. Philippe Binard, Secretary General of WAPA commented: “Prognosfruit is a long-established event for the European apples and pears sector. It has been on the agenda of the sector for 48 years. Besides the session that will reveal the key features for the Northern Hemisphere 2023/2024 apple and pear production forecast and corresponding market analysis, we are pleased this year to complement the programme with insightful new sessions on the demand side with an organic market outlook and a retail panel on adapting to consumer’s expectation. Mr Binard added “Despite on-going challenges of rising costs impacting both the sector and consumers and unpredictable climatic events, the first indicators for both apples and pears look very promising and will lead to interesting exchange during the conference in the middle of one of the most important production places”. To facilitate the debate, simultaneous translation will be available in Italian, English, French, and German.

Following the intense weather events that affected several countries in the Southern Hemisphere, the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) has released an update of the Southern Hemisphere apple and pear crop forecast that was originally presented during the Association’s latest Annual General Meeting in Berlin’s Fruit Logistica. According to the revised forecast, which consolidates the data from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, and South Africa, apple production is set to increase by 2,38 % to reach 4.974.990 T, while pear production is expected to decrease by 1,25 % to a total of 1.319.601 T.

During its latest Annual General Meeting in Berlin’s Fruit Logistica, the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) presented the Southern Hemisphere apple and pear crop forecast for the upcoming season. The yearly report is compiled with the support of ASOEX (Chile), CAFI (Argentina), ABPM (Brazil), Hortgro (South Africa), APAL (Australia), and New Zealand Apples and Pears, and therefore provides consolidated data from the six leading Southern Hemisphere countries. The initial forecast for the 2023 season, which estimated a 6 % and 1 % increase for apples and pears respectively compared to 2022, has been revised in light of the intense weather events that affected several countries in the Southern Hemisphere. New Zealand’s and South Africa’s apple crop forecasts have been revised downward by 77.902 T and 77.276 T respectively. New Zealand’s pear crop estimates have also been slightly decreased compared to the initial forecast (- 323 T), as well as South Africa’s (- 28.726 T).

Regarding apples, the updated Southern Hemisphere 2023 crop forecast suggests an increase of 2 % to a total of 4.974.990 T compared to last year (4.859.026 T). A smaller apple crop is expected in New Zealand, (457.675 T, – 9 % compared to 2022), Australia (- 8 % compared to 2022, to a total of 290.000 T), and South Africa (1.142.880 T, down 5 %). Chile remains the largest producer (1.409.633 T, in line with 2022), now followed by Brazil (1.150.000 T, + 12 %). Argentina’s apple production should reach 525.000 T (+ 24 % compared to 2022). Exports are also expected to decrease (- 3 % compared to 2022) to a total of 1.556.668 T. Chile remains the largest exporter (604.000 T) followed by South Africa (509.158 T), whose exports are forecasted to decrease by 10 %. Exports from New Zealand (286.823 T) and Australia (2.687 T) are also expected to decrease by 15 % and 1 % respectively. Brazil’s (70.000 T) and Argentina’s exports (84.000 T), on the other hand, are expected to recover from the low 2022 figures. With 1.843.130 T, Gala remains by far the most popular variety, with its production expected to increase by 4 % compared to 2022.

Regarding pears, the Southern Hemisphere growers predict a slight decrease of the crop (- 1 %), which will drop to 1.319.601 T. While Argentina and Chile are expected to increase their production by 4 % and 2 % respectively, South Africa’s (- 6 %), Australia’s (- 16 %), and New Zealand’s (- 19 %) production levels are all expected to decrease. Argentina remains the largest producer in the Southern Hemisphere (592.000 T), followed by South Africa (477.419 T), Chile (170.000 T), Australia (72.016 T), and New Zealand (8.120 T). Packham’s Triumph remains the most produced variety (481.049 T, in line with 2022), followed by Williams’ bon chrétien pears (332.447 T). Export figures are expected to be stable (670.054 T), with a 12 % increase in Argentinian exports and a 13 % decrease in exports from South Africa.

WAPA: Southern Hemisphere apple and pear crop forecast revised downward following severe weather events
(Photo: WAPA)

The Prognosfruit Conference is Europe’s leading annual event for the apple and pear sector, gathering growers from across Europe. After two successful online events in 2020 and 2021, Prognosfruit returns as an in-person event in Belgrade, Serbia, from the 3rd to the 5th of August 2022. Registrations are now open, and stakeholders and journalists are welcome to register via the Prognosfruit website. The complete programme of the 3-day event is now available.

Prognosfruit, the leading annual event for the apple and pear sector, will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, from the 3rd to the 5th of August 2022, returning as an in-person event after two successful online editions. Registrations for Prognosfruit 2022, organised by WAPA in cooperation with Serbia Does Apples, are now open on the Prognosfruit website.

Since 1976, Prognosfruit has released the annual apple and pear production forecast for the upcoming season. This year, the three-day event during which the report will be released will see representatives of the sector gather to discuss the Northern Hemisphere situation as well as global perspectives for apples and pears. The complete programme of Prognosfruit 2022 is available below and on the Prognosfruit website, along with the online registration form to attend the conference.

The 3-day event will be structured as follows:

  • On August 3rd, the Prognosfruit 2022 participants will enjoy a sightseeing tour of the city of Belgrade, followed
    by the Welcome Reception, which will take place at Belgrade’s Royal Palace;
  • The Prognosfruit 2022 Conference will take place on August 4th at the Hyatt Regency Belgrade. In the morning session, the European apple and pear forecast for the upcoming season will be revealed and complemented by an analysis of the market situation in the USA and China and a panel discussion with the major EU producers. The afternoon session will focus on the global perspectives for apples and pears, with an analysis of rising costs and logistical hurdles and an analysis of the sector in the EU neighbourhood;
  • The Conference will be followed by a Gala Dinner at the Kalemegdanska terasa on the evening of August 4th;
  • The event will conclude on August 5th with a technical visit to the apple orchard of the company Atos Fructum,
    on the southern slope of Fruška Gora.

All the information about Prognosfruit 2022 and the online registration form to attend the conference available on the Prognosfruit website.

New at VOG Products: Practical “bag-in-box”Sponsored PostInnovation and development are top priorities at VOG Products. To satisfy customer wishes even more completely, the fruit processing company headquartered in Laives (South Tyrol/Italy) now has an aseptic filling plant for small containers.

The investment in new technologies and development of customer-specific solutions and products are part of VOG Products’ recipe for success. “We are able to guarantee the continuous availability of top-quality raw goods. That factor and our constant investment in new technologies, enables us to offer our customers a healthy, safe and high-quality products that is harmonised with their requirements and wishes,” explained Christoph Tappeiner, CEO of VOG Products.

The company established in 1967 now belongs to 4 producers’ organisations from South Tyrol and Trentino plus 18 cooperatives from South Tyrol with a total of around 10,000 members, most of which are small, family-managed enterprises.

“Constant exchange with our customers is very important to us. That is why we intensively explore the spectrum of product innovations that we can use to satisfy our customers’ specific needs even better or address new customer segments,” emphasised Tappeiner.

New at VOG Products: Practical “bag-in-box”
Direct juice, concentrate, purée or chunky products can now be filled into small containers of 3 to 25 kg. (Photo: VOG Products)

That principally applies to the company’s products, but includes packaging as well: VOG Products now has its own aseptic filling plant for small containers (“bag-in-box”). After all, bakeries, pastry shops, ice cream manufacturers, catering companies, cafeterias and many others often require small packages in order to produce desserts, ice cream or other products and dishes based on fruit.

After successfully completed tests and product validations, VOG Products launched the first filling processes in late summer of this year. Direct juice, concentrate, purée or chunky products can now be filled into small containers of 3 to 25 kg.

Alongside apples, VOG Products processes and refines pears, kiwi, peaches and apricots for filling. Depending on customer requirements, all products are available from integrated production or organic cultivation, monovarietal or combined.

Prognosfruit Conference, Europe’s leading annual event for the apple and pear sector, is taking place in a few days with an outstanding programme. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Prognosfruit 2021 will again take place as an online event. The event will take place on 5 August 2021 in the morning with an attractive programme for delegates to find out the key factors that will shape the upcoming season with insightful views from industry leaders from Europe and around the world. Registrations are closing soon, and stakeholders and journalists are welcome to register via the Prognosfruit website.

The 46th edition of Prognosfruit will take place on 5 August in the morning (CEST) and will explore the upcoming apples and pears crop for the European Union and its immediate neighbourhood. Climatic conditions will once again be one of the key influencers of the 2021/2022 production outlook. To find out more about the season’s outlook, an attractive programme has been designed by the organizer for this year’s Prognosfruit Conference.

As part of the programme Philippe Binard, WAPA Secretary General, will set the scene for the upcoming apples and pears crop, while Helwig Schwartau, Market Analyst at AMI, will share a market outlook based on the crop forecast. Franz Ennser, CEO of Austria Juice, will provide the latest processing trends and Fritz Prem, Europäisches Biobst-Forum President, will review the latest organic production developments, an important aspect considering the European Union’s ambitions to significantly boost production and consumption of organic products as part of the European Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy.

Mr Binard stated that, “This year Prognosfruit will also have strong international connotations with review of other Northern Hemisphere developments. Experts from the USA, China, Russia and India will share their perspectives on the outlook and trends for the upcoming apples and pears crops in these other key Northern Hemisphere production regions”. Beside and as it was the case in previous Prognosfruit editions, an in-depth exchange of views in panels will take place with key representatives of the EU leading producing countries to learn more about the production specifics across Europe. The panel will also include a representative from the Southern Hemisphere for a broader perspective of the market switch between the Southern and Northern Hemisphere seasons.

Commenting on the 46th edition of Prognosfruit Dominik Wozniak, President of WAPA, stated, “We are increasingly producing and trading under an unpredictable climatic and market environment. Nowadays, late spring frosts, hail, drought, flood, evolving plant health conditions due to climate change as well as factors such as COVID-19 , market access uncertainties or Brexit are significantly influencing our day-to-day production and trading activities. Prognosfruit is the place to learn more from colleagues about how these factors will influence the next apples and pears season. Picking is expected to start this year a bit later than normal conditions. First estimations indicate more production than the previous two years, but we are all looking forward to hearing the consolidated Prognosfruit estimate for a better assessement”.

Luc Vanoirbeek, Chairman of COPA COGECA Fruit and Vegetables Working Group, concluded, “I am pleased that despite the constraints of the sanitary conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impossibility to meet in person, Prognosfruit remains the lead annual conference on the agenda for the apples and pears sector.” This year marks the 46th edition of Prognofruit, an event with a long tradition of being a very professional and productive gathering for the apples and pears community. Mr Vanoirbeek added, “I am pleased that again this year we have a large attendance for this virtual format, but we are all looking forward to meeting again physically next year in Serbia if the sanitary situation allows”.

The programme of Prognosfruit 2021 and the online registration form to attend the conference are both available on the Prognosfruit website.