Rising demand for plant-based drinks with added health benefits
Consumer enthusiasm for plant-based foods continues to grow unabated. This is also affecting the beverage market. Market research company Persistence Market Research (PMR) predicts annual growth rates exceeding six percent for plant-based drinks through 2028. And that’s not all: The “plant-based revolution,” as Innova Market Insights terms this top trend, opens further value-add potential. Fortification with micronutrients gives products additional health value. Plant-based alternatives to dairy products are by far the strongest category, according to Innova. SternVitamin has developed special micronutrient premixes for this segment that upgrade plant-based drinks based on oats and other protein sources. Its new SternHeartV, SternGutV and SternBonesV premixes let manufactures align plant-based drinks precisely to the special needs of specific target groups.
For example, SternHeartV addresses athletes, professionals with high-stress jobs and older people. This micronutrient combination of B vitamins, vitamin E, folic acid, iodine and zinc supports normal homocysteine metabolism and the formation of new red blood cells. In addition, it contributes to optimum muscle function and to protecting the cells from oxidative stress. For keeping bones healthy into advanced age there is SternBonesV for plant-based drinks. Its combination of vitamin D, vitamin K2, magnesium and calcium helps maintain bone health, and is appropriate for women in all age groups, vegans, and lactose-intolerant persons who want to be sure of getting a good calcium supply from plant-based products.
Manufacturers of plant-based drinks with SternGutV can reach a broad audience. This premix supports the gut-associated immune system, through a combination of micronutrients for strengthening immune defences, and fibres with prebiotic and immune-modulating properties. Whether stress at work or study, whether professional or weekend athlete, plant-based drinks with SternGutV support the immune system and help it perform well. At the same time they offer good taste and a pleasant mouth feel. According to PMR, one of the main goals in the development of plant-based alternatives is to meet consumers’ nutrition preferences, i.e. to offer added health benefits without compromising on taste. SternVitamin achieves this goal through its close cooperation with Planteneers, whose expertise in plant-based alternatives provides for full flavour enjoyment while SternVitamin supplies the added health benefits. At their own Plant Based Competence Center these sister companies develop attractive combinations of ingredients for a wide range of applications to meet the individual wishes of specific customers. The health benefits of these premixes can be marketed effectively on the drink packages using EU-approved Health Claims.