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Enhanced beverages are gaining a strong market position, especially since consumers are seeking out products that benefit their health. According to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company, 59 %* of consumers in North America say they purchase products that help save them time and effort – but high sugar content is the price to pay.

Holly Inglis, Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, says: “With less time in the working day to exercise, beverages that support an on-the-go lifestyle are therefore likely to prove popular. Healthy lifestyle trends have boosted the industry, with frequent adoption of healthier beverages dominating social media channels and supermarket promotions.”

Research conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that plain water should be the optimal beverage choice in weight loss. This suggests that consuming vitamin and mineral enriched beverages does not actually aid dieting.

Inglis adds: “Typically drinks that claim they have added vitamins, electrolytes, potassium, antioxidants and fibres often have more sugars than other beverage types. In some cases, these benefits can be obtained by plain water.”

According to GlobalData’s Q2 2019 USA Quarterly Beverage Forecast, a 5.1 % growth in 2019 is forecast for enhanced water, despite awareness of high sugar content. This supports Minesota State University findings that although individuals know that sugar sweetened beverages are detrimental to health, two per week (average) are still consumed per person. This indicates the bridged gap between intention and indulgence.

Inglis concludes: “If you are looking to hydrate after exercise, or are substituting carbonated soft drinks that are high in sugar, then yes, but if you are consuming it as a food supplement, or are seeking weight loss, enhanced beverages are unlikely to provide an all-encompassing benefit.”

*GlobalData’s 2019 Q3 consumer survey