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Fermentalg, the French expert in the microalgae bioindustry, announces that it has reached the final technical milestone in the scale-up of Galdieria Blue Extract1 – the acid-stable natural blue food colour developed in partnership with DDW, part of Givaudan. The completion of the industrialisation work allows the partners to engage in the initial commercialisation stage of this new product, an alternative to synthetic blue colours for low pH food and beverage applications.

As part of the partnership agreement signed in June 2020, and in order to support the launch of this new colour, the achievement of this second milestone triggers an additional payment of EUR 1 million from DDW to Fermentalg in the form of a supplier’s advance repayable on future product deliveries. The first pre-commercial orders are expected before the end of the year.

In this context, Fermentalg will initiate the industrial transfer and production with a leading German toll manufacturer, in line with the strategy to increase and diversify its production capacity.

In parallel with the industrial transfer and pre-commercialisation efforts, applications with the European Food Safety Authority and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are being pursued to obtain regulatory authorisations in the second half of 2023.

1originating from the Blue Origins® joint development program