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The Fibre Evolution material processing facility, developed and patented by Model AG, has made it possible to recycle drink cartons and other papers that are not readily soluble in large volumes for subsequent use. After glass and PET bottles, carton containers are the third most common form of packaging for drinks, and up until now, they have ended up in rubbish heaps, where the valuable raw fibres are incinerated.

By recycling raw materials from drink cartons, new, high-quality corrugated board papers can be manufactured and then used in distinctive packaging and displays, which are then recycled again.

It is Models goal to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 48 % per tonne* by recycling 75,000 tonnes of drink cartons and not-readily-soluble papers annually at the Fibre Evolution processing facility.

The new plant has also significantly improved energy efficiency within the company’s recycling process. Read the entire report in the Model Box no. 103 here to learn more.

(*compared to thermal recycling, Source: Die Zukunft des Getränkekarton-Recyclings (The future of drink carton recycling), Carbotech AG)