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On 25 October 2017, the Consortium and Refresco issued a joined press release in respect of the conditional agreement on a recommended, fully funded, public offer by the Consortium for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of Refresco at an offer price of EUR 20 (cum dividend) in cash per Share.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 7, paragraph 1 sub a of the Decree, which require a public announcement containing a status update within four weeks following the announcement of an intended public offer, the Offeror and Refresco provide the following joint status update.

The Offeror and Refresco confirm they are making timely progress on the preparations for the Offer. The Offeror expects to submit a request for review and approval of the Offer Memorandum with the AFM ultimately on 8 December 2017. The Offeror will publicly announce the availability of the Offer Memorandum and commencement of the offer period, which is currently expected to commence in January 2018.