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Refresco Group B.V., the global independent beverage solutions provider for Global, National and Emerging (GNE) brands, and retailers in Europe and North America, announced that the acquisition of a majority stake in Refresco by KKR has been completed, following the receipt of regulatory approvals from the competition authorities.

On February 22, 2022, Refresco and KKR announced that they had entered into a definitive agreement for KKR to acquire a majority stake in the Company, with Refresco’s existing investors, PAI Partners and British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (“BCI”), maintaining a significant minority position.

Hans Roelofs, CEO, Refresco: “I am excited to start the next chapter in the development of our company, with KKR as our new majority owner. We will continue to execute our strategy, focused on growing alongside our customers and expanding into new categories and geographies. We look forward to leveraging KKR’s capabilities, operational expertise and commitment to sustainability to further strengthen our position and achieve our vision of ‘Our Drinks On Every Table’.”