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AROL Group – a world leader for design and production of closure systems – announced the important technological agreement executed on September 30, 2019 with Antares Vision S.p.A. – world leader in the production of technologies for tracking, visual inspection and intelligent data management in packing lines – which, at the same time, has purchased FT System S.r.l. from AROL.

The agreement confirms the ambitious industrial project by AROL which, as a consequence, will be able to accelerate investments and acquisitions focused in the strategic sector of capping and sealing, and will increase integration for inspection and control systems in its machines, thanks to the strong synergy with Antares Vision. FT System S.r.l., specialized in non-destructive inspection and control systems, both in line and in laboratory, will continue its strong technical collaboration thanks to which, throughout the 10 formidable years spent in the AROL Group, new extremely integrated systems have been implemented and placed before or after AROL’s capping machine and great innovations have been introduced in the line completely automatic controls, such as Robo-QCS.

Research and implementation of the ambitious project presented 2 years ago by AROL and FT System with the name of Cyber Physical System (CPS) – which unites packaging lines and digital systems and, therefore, integrates physical and cyber worlds – will be powered and enriched by Antares Vision’s extraordinary competence in Track&Trace and Data Analysis.

The aim that AROL, FT System and Antares Vision intend to pursue with this technological co-development agreement is to make CPS extremely efficient and accessible to every packing line so that CPS might collect, elaborate, interpret real time data and constantly send feedback, also automatically, to packing plants and, as a consequence, maximize the efficiency of lines and single machines, constantly linked to the quality of packed and adequately tracked product.

The new partnership will allow Antares Vision to take advantage of the experience earned with more than 27 thousands AROL Group machines delivered worldwide, in the sectors of beverage, wine and spirit, food, cosmetics, household care, chemical, and also it will allow AROL to rely on Antares Vision’s highly advanced know-how, which makes Antares Vision the undisputed world leader in the pharmaceutical sector, by increasing FT System’s potential and thus guaranteeing a sure technological advantage to its clients in the final customer’s interest.