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News 28.11.2024

“Healthy, sustainable, and affordable foods: the role of fruit juices and preserved fruit and vegetables”

PROFEL, the European Association for preserved Fruit and Vegetables, and AIJN, the European Fruit Juice Association, held a breakfast event at the European Parliament, to mark the start of the new EU mandate.

“Healthy, sustainable, and affordable foods: the role of fruit juices and preserved fruit and vegetables”
From left to right: MEP Herbert Dorfmann (IT, EPP), MEP Christine Schneider (DE, EPP), Jan Ingelbeen (PROFEL President), Javier Lorenzo (AIJN President)

PROFEL, the European Association for preserved Fruit and Vegetables, and AIJN, the European Fruit Juice Association, held a breakfast event at the European Parliament, to mark the start of the new EU mandate.

Kindly hosted by MEPs Herbert Dorfmann (IT, EPP) and Christine Schneider (DE, EPP), the event allowed both sectors to present themselves and demonstrate the benefits of fruit juices, frozen and canned vegetables, canned fruit and compotes in terms of health and sustainability. Prof. Javier Gonzalez, Professor at the University of Bath, validated the important role juices and preserved fruit and vegetables play towards healthier diets. Ms Betty Chang, from EUFIC (European Food Information Council), presented findings on the state of consumer awareness of the benefits of these products. Mauro Poinelli from DG AGRI wrapped up the event, stressing the need to communicate better on the health benefits, and mentioned the role EU promotion programmes and the School Fruit scheme as important instruments.

The ability to access and afford nutritious and sustainable foods is a challenge for many consumers, particularly in the current economic climate and declining purchasing powers. Fruit juices and preserved fruit and vegetables offer valuable solutions by enabling consumers to meet their nutritional needs1 in a healthy and cost-effective way. Fruit juices and preserved fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals in a form that is quick and easy-to-consume. They retain much of their nutritional value and can be stored for long periods so can be available throughout the year.

AIJN President Javier Lorenzo and PROFEL President Jan Ingelbeen welcomed the exchange with decision makers: “We call for the recognition of the important role our sectors play in the transition towards sustainable food systems and healthier diets. The common aim has to be to increase the EU citizen’s consumption of fruit and vegetables, in all their forms.”

1Currently consumers across the EU are a long way from achieving the WHO’s minimum recommended daily level of 400 grams per day per capita. In a Eurostat study from 2019, a staggering one in three people (33 %) in the EU reported not consuming any fruit or vegetables daily, and only 12 % of the population were consuming the recommended intake.

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