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News 31.05.2024

Get your vits boosts with Tropicana

Tropicana has launched a new range of its Multivit Boost juices to stores across the UK. The three fresh juices expands Tropicana’s functional juice offering as consumer health trends continue to evolve with a post pandemic demand for immunity support products and ingredients.

Get your vits boosts with Tropicana
(Photo: Elopak)

Tropicana has launched a new range of its Multivit Boost juices to stores across the UK. The three fresh juices expands Tropicana’s functional juice offering as consumer health trends continue to evolve with a post pandemic demand for immunity support products and ingredients.

Tropicana Multivit Boost is now available in its best-selling Multifruit plus two new juices, all in 850 ml Pure-Pak® cartons. Launched in April 2024 and rolling out across UK’s key retailers are the new varieties; Smooth Orange and Mixed Berries juice for immune health support.

Each serving of Tropicana Multivit Boost offers 100 % of daily Vitamin C requirements, along with essential vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, with an added inclusion of vitamin A in the Mixed Berries and Multifruit flavour. According to Tropicana, these added vitamins play a crucial role in supporting normal energy-yielding metabolism, maintaining healthy skin and vision, and protecting cells from oxidative stress. A single portion of each variety provides one of the recommended five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

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