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Flavours & Ingredients 18.04.2024

Arla Foods Ingredients targets nutrition-conscious gamers with new beverage concept

Arla Foods Ingredients has launched a high-protein concept for gamers who want to level up their nutrition. Titled ‘PROGAMER’, the ready-to-drink solution is designed to meet the needs of e-sports enthusiasts seeking benefits for their health as well as …

Arla Foods Ingredients targets nutrition-conscious gamers with new beverage concept
(Photo: Arla Foods Ingredients)

Arla Foods Ingredients has launched a high-protein concept for gamers who want to level up their nutrition. Titled ‘PROGAMER’, the ready-to-drink solution is designed to meet the needs of e-sports enthusiasts seeking benefits for their health as well as their gaming performance.

The concept features energy-boosting ingredients alongside the game-changing whey protein isolate Lacprodan® SP-9213, which is clear, provides a refreshing taste and is high in essential and branched-chain amino acids.

Cido Silveira, Arla Foods Ingredients Marketing & Business Development Manager – South America, said: “There’s a stereotype of gamers bingeing on unhealthy snacks and guzzling down energy drinks, but a new, nutrition-focused generation is emerging. They want to maintain their energy and concentration levels over marathon sessions, but they also want the many benefits that high-protein products offer. PROGAMER allows manufacturers to formulate unique, refreshing, clear, high-protein solutions for gamers who want more from their energy drinks.”

Protein plays a crucial role in general health, supporting muscle growth, repair and overall body function. Research has also found that consuming essential amino acids leads to improvements in attention and cognitive flexibility.1 A study on esports athletes, meanwhile, showed that sufficient protein intake is associated with improved cognitive performance in gaming.2

A 310 ml can of the ‘PROGAMER’ beverage concept features 15 g of protein, including 3767 mg of branched-chain amino acids. It also contains taurine, magnesium, zinc, caffeine and vitamins A, B3, B6 and B12 to support essential gamer needs such as concentration and vision. In addition, the concept is free from sugar, fat and lactose and contains only 60 kilocalories per can.

Arla Foods Ingredients will showcase the ‘PROGAMER’ concept at NIS (the Nutri Ingredients Summit) in São Paulo, Brazil, on 23rd and 24th April. Exhibiting at Stand 3-35, it will highlight growing opportunities for e-sports nutrition products in the Latin American market – with over half of Brazilian gamers spending more than 20 hours per week playing.3

Visitors to the stand will also be able to discover two clear shake concepts made with 100 % whey protein isolate ingredients. Go Natural is a fruit-infused flavored water made with Lacprodan® ISO.WaterShake. Go Fresh, meanwhile, is a thirst-quenching shake created with Lacprodan® ClearShake that has a refreshing lemonade taste.

1Suzuki, H. et al. ‘Intake of Seven Essential Amino Acids Improves Cognitive Function and Psychological and Social Function in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial’ Frontiers in Nutrition (2020)
2Goulart, J.B. et al. ‘Nutrition, lifestyle, and cognitive performance in esport athletes’ Frontiers in Nutrition (2023)
3Konvoy ‘LatAm Gaming Market’ July 21, 2023

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