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News 17.04.2024

AGRANA: Subdued outlook for 2024/25 after solid EBIT in 2023/24

Based on provisional results, AGRANA generated operating profit (EBIT) of € 151.0 million in its 2023/24 financial year (1 March 2023 to 29 February 2024), which is in line with its guidance of a very significant improvement …

Subdued outlook for 2024/25 after solid EBIT in 2023/24
(Photo: AGRANA)

Based on provisional results, AGRANA generated operating profit (EBIT) of € 151.0 million in its 2023/24 financial year (1 March 2023 to 29 February 2024), which is in line with its guidance of a very significant improvement compared to the prior year (2022/23: € 88.3 million). Earnings per share rose to € 1.04 (prior year: € 0.25).

Consolidated revenue amounted to € 3,786.9 million (prior year: € 3,637.4 million).

As previously communicated in the Q3 results published in January 2024, AGRANA sees itself confronted with an increasingly challenging business environment since the fourth quarter of 2023/24 and forecasts EBIT for the 2024/25 financial year which will be significantly below the comparable figure in 2023/24. This decline in results will already become apparent in the first quarter of 2024/25.

The Management Board of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG has today also decided – subject to a corresponding resolution passed by the Supervisory Board – to propose a dividend payout in the amount of € 0.90 per share for the 2023/24 financial year (dividend for 2022/23: € 0.90 per share) to the 37th Annual General Meeting to be held on 5 July 2024. This corresponds to a dividend yield of 6.7 % based on the closing price on the balance sheet date (29 February 2024).

The publication of the Annual Report 2023/24 and all the details relating to the annual results for 2023/24 and to the outlook for 2024/25 will take place as scheduled on 14 May 2024.

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