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Filling & Packaging 05.10.2023

“Less plastic – more carton”: SIG launches unique on-the-go carton bottle SIG DomeMini

SIG announces the launch of the uniquely different on-the-go carton bottle SIG DomeMini. The small-size carton pack offers all the convenience of a plastic bottle and the sustainability benefits of a carton pack.

“Less plastic – more carton”: SIG launches unique on-the-go carton bottle SIG DomeMini
SIG DomeMini offers excellent ergonomic benefits to various consumers, such as travellers and commuters. (Photo: SIG)

SIG announces the launch of the uniquely different on-the-go carton bottle SIG DomeMini. The small-size carton pack offers all the convenience of a plastic bottle and the sustainability benefits of a carton pack.

Designed to captivate attention, SIG DomeMini encourages consumers to rethink their packaging choices, especially when it comes to sustainability. Beverage manufacturers also have the opportunity to choose a solution that puts significantly less plastic on the market and caters to the growing “paperisation” trend.

Designed for recycling, SIG DomeMini is mainly made from FSC™-certified paperboard and produced using 100 % renewable electricity. With the high share of forest-based renewable material as well as a sophisticated resource-efficient and space-saving design, SIG DomeMini comes with a number of environmental benefits compared to alternative packaging options like plastic bottles.

SIG DomeMini offers excellent ergonomic benefits to various consumers, such as travellers and commuters. The centrally positioned SIG DomeMiniCap is perfect for drinking just like from a bottle. It is easy to open and reclose. This ensures safe storage in bags, ready to drink from whenever needed.

The SIG DomeMini 12 Aseptic filling machine is capable of aseptically filling 12,000 packages per hour – in a total of seven volume sizes from 180 to 350 ml on one and the same machine with volume change in just 15 minutes. This maximises efficiency and flexibility, providing an excellent return on investment for beverage manufacturers.

The first market launch of SIG DomeMini is in China, with expansion to other countries on the way.

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