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News 31.05.2023

Scottish Govt scraps proposed energy drinks ban

The Scottish Government today announced that it has shelved plans to implement a ban on the sale of energy drinks to children.

Scottish Govt scraps proposed energy drinks ban
(Photo: BSDA)

The Scottish Government today announced that it has shelved plans to implement a ban on the sale of energy drinks to children.

Responding to the news, British Soft Drinks Association Director General, Gavin Partington, said: “We welcome this recognition from the Scottish Government that voluntary measures introduced by industry and implemented by many of our retail partners have had a significant impact on stopping the sale of energy drinks to children.

“The BSDA’s voluntary Code of Practice on energy drinks, which was introduced by and for our members in 2010, contains a number of stringent points on responsible marketing, meaning BSDA members do not market or promote energy drinks to under-16s, nor do they sample products with this age group. In addition, their energy drinks carry an advisory note stating ‘not recommended for children’.

“BSDA members remain committed to supporting the responsible sale of energy drinks.”

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