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News 20.10.2022

The IFU Global Juice Sustainability Report 2022 is published!

This juice industry report is a first edition of many more to follow, monitoring the progress made and to enhance easy access to successful ways of working.

The IFU Global Juice Sustainability Report 2022 is published!
In this document, members of the IFU and Sustainability Working Group have provided examples of how they see any or all of these areas are addressed. (Photo: IFU)

This juice industry report is a first edition of many more to follow, monitoring the progress made and to enhance easy access to successful ways of working.

In this document, members of the IFU and Sustainability Working Group have provided examples of how they see any or all of these areas are addressed. It is essentially a collection of the practical inroads which companies and regions are making in moving towards the fulfilment of the aspirations of sustainability of our industry.

The IFU Global Sustainability Report 2022 is available under

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