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News 24.10.2022

Coca-Cola HBC raises EUR 500m for sustainable projects in inaugural Green Bond issue

Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. has successfully issued its first green bond driven by strong investor demand, raising EUR 500m in support of its ambitious sustainability projects.

Coca-Cola HBC raises EUR 500m for sustainable projects in inaugural Green Bond issue
(Photo: confructa medien GmbH)

Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. has successfully issued its first green bond driven by strong investor demand, raising EUR 500m in support of its ambitious sustainability projects.

The net proceeds of the Green Bond will be allocated toward projects that meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Group’s Green Finance Framework. They will accelerate progress of the company’s NetZeroby40 and Mission 2025 commitments, including: circularity, energy efficiency, water stewardship, biodiversity and community programmes, innovation in sustainable packaging, and support of sustainable agriculture and procurement.

This latest step is further evidence of Coca-Cola HBC’s determination to remain a leader in sustainability.

Commenting on the bond issue, Chief Financial Officer of Coca-Cola HBC, Ben Almanzar, said:“This milestone demonstrates that Sustainability is embedded in every aspect of our business, including our financing strategy. The issue of the Green Bond reinforces our position as Europe’s most sustainable beverage company. Most of all, it was made possible by the unmatched commitment of our teams to achieve net zero across our entire value chain by 2040.

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