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Market Data 09.08.2022

WAPA releases July’s apple and pear stock figures

WAPA, the World Apple and Pear Association, has released the apple and pear stock figures from 1 July 2022. The figures show that in Europe apple stocks increased by 16.5 % compared to 2021 to reach 535,521 T, while pear stocks increased by 27 % to 27,535 T.

WAPA releases July’s apple and pear stock figures
European apple stocks (Foto: WAPA)

WAPA, the World Apple and Pear Association, has released the apple and pear stock figures from 1 July 2022. The figures show that in Europe apple stocks increased by 16.5 % compared to 2021 to reach 535,521 T, while pear stocks increased by 27 % to 27,535 T. In the USA, pear stocks reached 10,403 T (75.2 % above 2021).

WAPA, the World Apple and Pear Association, collects every month the stock figures for apples and pears from Europe and the United States. WAPA can reveal that European apple stocks stood at 535,521 T as of 1 July 2022, which is 16.5 % above the figure of 2021. This trend can be explained by the increases concerning Jonagold (108.4 % up from 2021), Gala (+ 29.4 %), Red Jonaprince (+ 25.3 %), and Golden Delicious (+ 13 %), although several varieties reported a decrease compared to 2021, most notably Gloster, which halved its stocks compared to 2021 and Granny Smith (- 33.8 %). Pear stocks stood at 27,535 T on 1 July 2022, 27 % above the volume of 2021 thanks to Rocha (+ 4,060 T compared to 2021) and Conference pears (+ 1,970 T). Pears stocks in the USA stood at 10,403 T (75.2 % above 2021), with Anjou pears reaching 9,223 T and Red Anjou pears also increasing from 2021 ( + 957 T).

WAPA releases July’s apple and pear stock figures
European pear stocks (Photo: WAPA)
WAPA releases July’s apple and pear stock figures
US pear stocks (Photo: WAPA)
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