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News 25.08.2022

SIG completes the acquisition of Evergreen Asia

SIG announced the completion of its acquisition of Pactiv Evergreen Inc.’s Asia Pacific chilled carton operations (“Evergreen Asia”). The business is fully consolidated from the beginning of August 2022.

SIG completes the acquisition of Evergreen Asia
(Photo: confructa medien GmbH)

SIG announced the completion of its acquisition of Pactiv Evergreen Inc.’s Asia Pacific chilled carton operations (“Evergreen Asia”). The business is fully consolidated from the beginning of August 2022.

On 5 January 2022, SIG announced that it had entered into an agreement to acquire Evergreen Asia, a leading system supplier of filling machines, cartons, closures and after-sales service in the chilled segment, covering dairy and non-carbonated soft drinks, with production facilities in mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea.

For the twelve months ended 31 December 2021, Evergreen Asia generated revenue of approximately EUR 135 million and adjusted EBITDA of approximately EUR 24 million1. It was acquired for an enterprise value of USD 335 million and SIG expects to realise run-rate cost synergies of approximately EUR 6 million.

The acquisition provides new growth opportunities in Asia, where demand is growing strongly especially for fresh milk in China. Evergreen Asia enables SIG to further expand its existing customer relationships with national dairies and provides access to new customers at a regional and local level. SIG intends to leverage its R&D know-how, innovation capabilities and its marketing expertise to introduce more innovative packaging formats in this market segment.


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