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News 01.02.2018

Research into relation food and Alzheimer’s

TOP bv and Wageningen UR together performed a comprehensive literature study into food and life style in relation to Alzheimer’s. The literature study represents the starting point of a large practical research that will begin during 2018.

Research into relation food and Alzheimer’s
(Photo: TOP bv)

Literature study TOP and Wageningen UR represents start of large practical research

TOP bv and Wageningen UR together performed a comprehensive literature study into food and life style in relation to Alzheimer’s. The literature study represents the starting point of a large practical research that will begin during 2018.

On behalf of Wageningen UR professor Harry Wichers is involved in the literature study and the research. Over the past months hundreds of scientific articles have been reviewed and assessed on micro nutrients, food products and food patterns. The findings from the study will not yet be made public, but form the basis of the additional practical research.

Dementia is now the number 1 cause of death in The Netherlands. Alzheimer’s decease is the most common form of dementia. Since the fifties the number of people with Alzheimer’s has doubled. And it is expected to double again in the next 25 years (up to half a million patients).

Despite decades of pharmaceutical research, no cure has yet been found. Some larger pharmaceutical companies even abandon their research. Also doubt has risen about the mechanism causing Alzheimer’s. The practical research will focus on the question whether there is a possible link between food patterns and lifestyle on the one hand, and the development of symptoms of dementia on the other. An additional important goal is to improve the quality of life of the patients.

The practical research will start during 2018 and is expected to take up to one year.

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