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News 01.02.2018

chelab takes decision for future development

Chelab Dr. V. Ara chemical laboratory for food, water and environmental analyses was founded in 1977 by Dr. V. Ara. Since 41 years chelab has developed a vast analytical and technical expertise in fruits, all related processed products and aroma analysis.

chelab takes decision for future development
(Photo: chelab)

Chelab Dr. V. Ara chemical laboratory for food, water and environmental analyses was founded in 1977 by Dr. V. Ara. Since 41 years chelab has developed a vast analytical and technical expertise in fruits, all related processed products and aroma analysis.

Chelabs national and international customer base consists of growers, processors, fillers and traders in fruit juice processing. For an ongoing successful continuation, chelab as a partnership decided to convert into chelab Dr. V. Ara GmbH & Co. KG.

At the same time Simone Schmidt and Dr. Fred Siewek have been appointed as managing directors of the new company.

Chelab sets course to remain an indepent, reliable and competent partner for a successful development in the future.

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