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News 12.01.2018

UK: Government launch 25 Year Environment Plan

This morning the Prime Minister Theresa May launched the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan for England.

UK: Government launch 25 Year Environment Plan
Theresa May (Photo: British Soft Drinks Association)

This morning the Prime Minister Theresa May launched the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan for England.

Under the Government’s plan, there will be an extension of the 5p charge for plastic carrier bags to all retailers in England, supermarkets will be encouraged to introduce “plastic-free” aisles and taxes and charges on single-use plastic items will be considered as part of planned Government consultations.

Gavin Partington, Director General at the British Soft Drinks Association, responded to the plan:

“BSDA and its members welcome the launch of government’s 25 Year Environment Plan and its commitment to an evidence-based approach to establishing the best way to deal with plastic waste.

“The ambition is for all our packaging in the UK to be 100 % recyclable, that consumers recycle and that drinks containers do not end up as litter in our towns, countryside, rivers and oceans.

“China’s decision to ban plastic waste imports has further exposed the gaps in the UK’s recycling infrastructure and emphasised the need for a reform of the current compliance system.

“We believe that by working together with governments, NGO’s and other stakeholders real progress can be achieved to make the UK the world leader in creating a truly circular economy.”

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