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Filling & Packaging 02.11.2017

Concept for inspiring healthy breakfast habits won Billerud Korsnäs PackChallenge 2017 for Arla Foods

A digital platform aimed to inspire healthy breakfast habits became the winning concept when the students at Bergh’s School of Communication competed on how Arla Foods should reach out and engage young consumers through digital interactivity based on packaging as a platform.

Concept for inspiring healthy breakfast habits won Billerud Korsnäs PackChallenge 2017 for Arla Foods
Breakfast Stories (Photo: Arla)

A digital platform aimed to inspire healthy breakfast habits became the winning concept when the students at Bergh’s School of Communication competed on how Arla Foods should reach out and engage young consumers through digital interactivity based on packaging as a platform. Among many strong contributions, Breakfast Stories stood out as an idea and design with potential to bring about true behavioral change. PackChallenge is arranged annually by Billerud Korsnäs and Bergh’s School of Communication in Stockholm, Sweden.

Through September and October, the students in the Communication Design Program at Bergh’s School of Communication in Stockholm have competed on ways for one of the world’s largest dairy producers, Arla Foods, to produce the best packaging solution to reach out and engage young consumers.

A total of ten groups presented their solutions and the winning concept, “Breakfast Stories”, considered the problem that 20-30 percent of teenager’s skip breakfast almost every day. The idea behind the concept is to use Arlas’s different product packages and through a QR code give teens and parents access to a digital platform where they can share stories and facts about healthy breakfast habits. The team behind the winning concept consists of Daniela Röstlund and Sukena Tran.

The jury, consisting of among others Jon Haag Director Consumer Insights at BillerudKorsnäs and Maria Tornell Director Innovation at Arla Foods, assessed the contributions according to idea height/originality, relevance, feasibility and finish. The motivation behind the winning contribution reads: A societal problem that is too little talked about. The insights have guided the concept development through digital, campaigns, product range, design originality and target group focus. Therefore, this is the strongest concept according to this year’s brief. It is useful for many product groups within Arla, it is based on a community that is truly digital and it connects to packaging and the situation of use just as Arla wanted. What we see in this concept is the beginning of a long-term work where community problems can be solved with product, packaging and brand.

“Packaging can contribute so much more to a sustainable development than just being made of a more or less sustainable material. Packaging could interact with consumers and have a more direct impact on consumer behavior. The students at Berghs have worked hard and presented concepts with a high creative level and consumer insight. We are impressed,” comments Jon Haag.

“The winning team has shown a great understanding of the Arla brand, our market position and at the same time pinpointed a important societal issue. However, there was tough competition with lots of amazing contributions. PackChallenge has given us lots of valuable input to our own product development and I’m sure we will continue with several of the ideas,” says Maria Tornell.

“At Bergh’s, we often work in conjunction with business and brand owners, which is a natural part of our education. Action Based Learning gives the students real challenges and becomes the best way to train their professional role. The long standing cooperation with BillerudKorsnäs is one of our most successful projects during the academic year,” says Pål Pettersson, Program Director Communication Design at Bergh’s School of Communication.

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