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News 15.09.2017

Bösch Boden Spies repositions itself: ‘360° food solutions’

The Hamburg-based food ingredients specialist Bösch Boden Spies is repositioning itself: as of today, its innovation subsidiary bolasco will be completely incorporated into Bösch Boden Spies GmbH & Co. KG…

Bösch Boden Spies repositions itself: ‘360° food solutions’

bolasco and Bösch Boden Spies to do business under single brand from now on

The Hamburg-based food ingredients specialist Bösch Boden Spies is repositioning itself: as of today, its innovation subsidiary bolasco will be completely incorporated into Bösch Boden Spies GmbH & Co. KG, and all services delivered by bolasco Import GmbH will be managed by Bösch Boden Spies Import GmbH. All bolasco employees are part of the Bösch Boden Spies team and will contribute their “functional fruit solutions” expertise to the 360° approach of the fruit ingredients supplier’s portfolio of products and services. For the Hamburg-based company, the integration represents an important step towards providing its services to business partners and customers in a bundled – and thus improved – way.

Holistic approach, efficient processes, and innovative ideas

By integrating the subsidiary, which was founded ten years ago, Bösch Boden Spies GmbH & Co. KG can now provide one-stop service for its traditional business with natural fruit ingredients, the marketing of their functional advantages, and the development of innovative applications. This integrative approach makes for an even more attractive offering and highly efficient processes. The in-house ideas incubator, the Ingredient Technology Center (ITC), analyzes the worldwide markets in coordination with the Business Development department – always with the needs of consumers and manufacturers in mind – to identify trends at an early stage and develop pioneering product ideas. With this approach and its extensive expertise, the company is positioning itself as one of Europe’s leading import and service agencies for food ingredients.

Six business units

From now on, all of the company’s more than 100 employees are part of one of Bösch Boden Spies’s business units: Development, Quality, Sales, Import, Finance and Logistics. With this set-up, which besides providing a clear structure enables smooth workflows and the shortest possible communication paths, the long-established company does justice to its transformation into a full-service agency.

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