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News 07.09.2017

Bilberry extract: The very ally in the management of eye discomfort new study reveals

A new randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical study published in European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences highlighted that Mirtoselect®, the Indena proprietary standardized bilberry extract containing 36 % anthocyanins…

Bilberry extract: The very ally in the management of eye discomfort new study reveals
© indena®

Indena’s Mirtoselect® can improve tear secretion and plasmatic antioxidant potential, as confirmed by Schirmer’s tests value after 4 weeks of supplementation.

A new randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical study published in European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences1 highlighted that Mirtoselect®, the Indena proprietary standardized bilberry extract containing 36 % anthocyanins, may have an important role in preserving adequate acqueous levels in people possibly experiencing dry eye conditions.

Aim of the study was to investigate the ability of bilberry extract to maintain adequate tear levels and to confirm its antioxidant potential. 21 healthy subjects experiencing dry eye have been enrolled and randomly assigned to receive Mirtoselect® supplementation (2 tablets corresponding to 160mg) daily or placebo for 4 weeks. The results of Schimer’s test – indicating the volume of tear secretion – before and after the 4-week period showed significant improvements in the mean values for right eye (+71 %, p=0.009) and both eyes (+ 55 % p=0.019) as well as a beneficial tendency for the left eye (+ 43 %, p=0.062) in the supplemented group. In the placebo group, the mean values of Schimer’s test at the end of the treatment were not significant.

“Aged people or those exposed to certain stress conditions for the eye (i.e. dust or dry environment) may experience discomfort, visual disturbance, and tear film instability with potential impairment of the ocular surface”2 – commented Antonella Riva, Product Research Manager at Indena. – “Mirtoselect® is supported by a strong clinical literature, confirming its efficacy profile in the realm of vascular health and ophthalmology. This last study opens a new application for our bilberry extract in subjects with visual fatigue and a higher tendency of dry eye. The observed antioxidant potential is of a great importance due to the fact that a potential relationship between dry eye and relative oxygen species is reported”.

1 Riva A. et al, The effect of a natural, standardized bilberry extract (Mirtoselect®) in dry eye: a randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled trial, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 2017; 21: 2518-2525.
2 Dry Eye Workshop (DEWS) DED definition, 2017.

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