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News 20.07.2017

Krones continues stable growth in the first half of 2017

Krones, the world’s leading manufacturer of filling and packaging technology, continued its stable growth in the first half of 2017. Overall, revenue improved 13.8 % year-­on-­year to €1,775.2 million.

Krones continues stable growth in the first half of 2017

Krones, the world’s leading manufacturer of filling and packaging technology, continued its stable growth in the first half of 2017. Overall, revenue improved 13.8 % year-on-year to €1,775.2 million. Adjusted for acquisitions, revenue was up 10.2 %. The increase was partly due to a relatively low baseline of sales in the first half of 2016. The strongest revenue growth came in the North and Central America, Asia-Pacific, and South America/Mexico regions in the period from January to June 2017.

Order intake at Krones increased 11.0 % in the first half of 2017 to €1,779.3 million. Adjusted for acquisitions, order intake was up 4.7 % year-on-year. Orders growth in Western Europe and Latin America was higher than overall orders growth. Order intake in China was lower. In the Asia-Pacific, North America, and Middle East/Africa sales regions, order intake was stable. At €1,148.8 million, orders on hand at Krones at the end of June 2017 were up 1.1 % over the year-earlier period.

EBT margin is 6.8 % after six months
Krones improved earnings before taxes (EBT) by 12.8 % to €121.0 million in the period from January to June 2017 despite a highly competitive market situation. As expected, market prices provided no support. By contrast, the Value strategy programme, with which Krones is increasing efficiency throughout the company, had a positive impact. At 6.8 %, the EBT margin for the first six months of 2017 was nearly unchanged year-on-year (previous year: 6.9 %). After taxes, net income was up 10.8 % to €82.4 million. Earnings per share increased from €2.37 in the previous year to €2.64.

The ratio of average working capital for the past four quarters to revenue came to 26.3 %, after 25.5 % in the year-earlier period. However, the ratio is an improvement over the first quarter of 2017 (26.8 %).

The return on capital employed (ROCE) increased to 16.3 % (previous year: 15.6 %). In the period from January to June 2017, the company generated operating free cash flow of -€126.7 million (previous year: -€155.5 million), which is an improvement of around €30 million.

Krones forecast for 2017 is unchanged
The company’s revenue growth target (excluding acquisitions) for the year 2017 as a whole remains 4 %. Profitability should be stable this year. Krones expects the EBT margin to be around 7.0 % for the year 2017. For its third financial performance target, working capital to revenue, the company is forecasting 27 % for the current financial year.

Krones has published the complete half-yearly report online at

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