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Market Data 29.06.2017

Week after week, juice consumption falls in the US

Nielsen has released a new report that measures the consumption of orange juice in the US retail. As in previous months, sales are still falling. In the last four weeks monitored and closed on June 10, consumption fell by 7.7 % and closed the period at 114.64 million litres (30.33 million gallons) compared to 124.24 million litres (32.87 million gallons) in the same period of 2016.

Week after week, juice consumption falls in the US
Photo: pixabay

Nielsen has released a new report that measures the consumption of orange juice in the US retail. As in previous months, sales are still falling. In the last four weeks monitored and closed on June 10, consumption fell by 7.7 % and closed the period at 114.64 million litres (30.33 million gallons) compared to 124.24 million litres (32.87 million gallons) in the same period of 2016.

In the same period, the price per litre of the beverages sold in retail has been adjusted by 3.0% compared to the same period of 2016. This means that, the litre of juice that was marketed at US $ 1.73 last year, is being marketed in 2017 at US $ 1.78.

Faced with this scenario of high prices and a drop in consumption, the total sales revenue also fell by 4.9 % and went from US $ 215.82 million in 2016 to US $ 205.18 million in the last four weeks analysed, a loss of US $ 10.64 million.

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