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News 01.06.2017

Chias Harmony – the calming drink

Chias Brothers Europe, Polish producers of chia seeds beverages, launched a calming drink. „Facing new challenges and multitasking lifestyle, it is difficult to stay calm. Chias Harmony is a calming drink with melissa and camomile. We try to spread positive messages – stop, clear your mind, relax your body and be ready to face every challenge with positive attitude“, said marketing director Joanna Kaczmarek.

Chias Harmony - the calming drink

Chias Brothers Europe, Polish producers of chia seeds beverages, launched a calming drink. „Facing new challenges and multitasking lifestyle, it is difficult to stay calm. Chias Harmony is a calming drink with melissa and camomile. We try to spread positive messages – stop, clear your mind, relax your body and be ready to face every challenge with positive attitude“, said marketing director Joanna Kaczmarek.

The new functional drink comes in a 200 ml glass bottle and is listed at major retailers in Poland such as Piotr, Selgros, Zabka and Malpka.

Where does the idea of Chias come from?

„One day I saw my mom add some tiny seeds to her healthy breakfast. When I asked about them, she said they were chia seeds. She is the diplomat in Guatemala, inhabited by the Maya, that’s why she knows their culture quite well. So this is where she learned about this extraordinary ingredient and its story.

She told me that ”chia” in Mayan language means ”strength”. It was called the food of runners as the messengers were able to run the whole day, eating only the seeds. The Maya knew, that the seeds contained a lot of  fiber, proteins and minerals that’s why they considered them more precious than gold so they even used them as currency.

I, myself, like many of you, run – not only in sports context, but also metaphorically – every day at work, at home , during my free time. Since such amazing qualities were hidden in such little seeds, I yearned to absorb the natural and healthy spring of vitality and strength to act. It wasn’t hard to find other enthusiasts of chia seeds. Soon, we came up with the idea to make others experience their beneficial influence and drink it whenever they feel like it.“

Maciej Mikolajczak, CEO

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