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News 27.04.2017

Krones achieves strong operating growth in the first quarter of 2017

Revenue increased 16.5 %. Adjusted for timing differences and acquisitions, revenue growth comes to 5.5 %.

Krones achieves strong operating growth in the first quarter of 2017
  • Revenue increased 16.5 %. Adjusted for timing differences and acquisitions, revenue growth comes to 5.5 %.
  • Order intake improved 6.5 %. Without orders gained through acquisitions, growth came to 3.4 %.
  • Earnings before taxes increased 19.8 % to EUR 66.0 million.
  • Executive Board confirms targets for 2017 as a whole. Excluding effects from acquisitions, Krones expects 4 % revenue growth and an EBT margin of 7.0 %.

Krones, the world’s leading manufacturer of beverage filling and packaging technology, has started the financial year 2017 well. In the period from January to March, revenue increased 16.5 % year-on-year, from EUR 772.1 million to EUR 899.4 million.

This strong growth rate cannot be extrapolated to the whole year because Krones completed a number of projects ahead of schedule, in the first quarter, which were not expected to yield revenue until the second quarter of 2017. Adjusted for these timing differences and for acquisitions, Krones’ first- quarter revenue was up 5.5 % year-on-year. Order intake improved 6.5 % to EUR 875.5 million. Without acquisitions, the increase was 3.4 %. At the end of March 2017, Krones had orders on hand totalling EUR 1,120.8 million (previous year: EUR 1,144.7 million).

Krones has published the complete Quarterly Statement online at

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