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Filling & Packaging 01.12.2016

Mintel announces five packaging trends set to impact global markets in 2017

Looking ahead to 2017, Mintel has announced five key trends set to impact global packaging markets during the next year, including implications for consumers, brands, retailers, and package manufacturers. David Luttenberger, Global Packaging Director at Mintel, said:  “Consumers often and easily get caught up in the unending ebb and rapid flow of commercial fads, social […]

Looking ahead to 2017, Mintel has announced five key trends set to impact global packaging markets during the next year, including implications for consumers, brands, retailers, and package manufacturers.

David Luttenberger, Global Packaging Director at Mintel, said:

 “Consumers often and easily get caught up in the unending ebb and rapid flow of commercial fads, social issues, and branded messages. With so much activity constantly vying for their attention, packaging becomes white noise — an often silent but steady force in consumers’ daily lives.  However, the impact of the combination of superior structures and succinct branding, the way packaging and our mobile devices are becoming inextricably intertwined, and the way brands are using packaging to reach out to consumers beyond their traditional categories – to include the influence of online shopping – is having more of an impact than consumers realise. At least for now.”

The [Re] Union of Package

The time is now for brands to roll out unique packaging structures that not only differentiate on shelf, but also help form and support brand identity.

The Face and Role of Packaging Online

As e-commerce grows, brands must explore both the opportunities and threats that this can bring, as the shift from in-store to in-home shopping becomes a core part of the packaging design conversation and brief.

Packaging Gets Smart, Active and Intelligent

While there is a lack of standardised definitions for smart, active, intelligent, and even mobile-enabled packaging, there are still clear and measurable connections with consumers and in some cases it is even saving lives.

The Experience of Packaging

Packaging design has become dominated by the need for brand recognition and variant identification and information. Consumers are increasingly looking for brands to entertain and engage them.

Extend My Brand

Price is a key factor in consumers’ purchasing decisions, but brand trust also plays a pivotal role. Brands can leverage trust to create loyalty and extend a product portfolio well beyond traditional categories.

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