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Filling & Packaging 04.11.2016

Swedish Drinking Yoghurt Switches to Tetra Pak’s New Carton Bottle

Consumers in Sweden now have an environmentally-sound choice for chilled drinking yoghurt, following the launch of a range of SkŒnemejerier products in Tetra Top 330 Mini Nallo. SkŒnemejerier, the leading dairy in southern Sweden, has become the first to use this new carton bottle from Tetra Pak.

Consumers in Sweden now have an environmentally-sound choice for chilled drinking yoghurt, following the launch of a range of Skånemejerier products in Tetra Top 330 Mini Nallo. Skånemejerier, the leading dairy in southern Sweden, has become the first to use this new carton bottle from Tetra Pak.

“In the past, drinking yoghurt was packaged in plastic bottles, which has a far greater environmental impact than carton packages. Tetra Top Nallo is made mainly from paperboard from FSC™ certified forests and other controlled sources.

Switching 2.1 million packs of our drinking yoghurt means we are cutting the use of plastic by more than 45 tons a year,” said Armina Nilsson, Sustainability Manager at Skånemejerier.

“This move is part of our wider commitment to care for animals and nature, and we are delighted that consumers are responding in a very supportive way. Consumer tests proved that they prefer these carton bottles to plastic packages, particularly from an environmental perspective”, Nilsson added.

Charles Brand, Executive Vice President, Product Management and Commercial Operations at Tetra Pak said: “The new Tetra Top 330 Mini Nallo is one of our latest innovations for younger generations. It has taken all aspects of their needs into account: their increasing interest in the environment, their demand for an appealing appearance, and their desire for a convenient package that they can drink from, re-seal, and carry around while on the go.”

With a V-shaped panel on one corner, Tetra Top Nallo allows brand owners to highlight their messages in the packaging design and make their product stand out on the shelf. At the same time, its tall and slender proportions offer the consumer an easy grip, while the wide opening makes the drinking experience smoother. In addition, the cap is a one-step opening and can be resealed securely.

The product will start to be available for limited release to customers early next year with the Tetra Pak® TT/3 XH IC filling line.

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