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News 29.09.2016

Rexnord FlatTop at Brau Beviale 2016

Sustainability is the capacity to endure. Engineered Sustainability™ by Rexnord is a product program to design durable conveyor systems with components that guarantee optimal product handling without compromising the ability to meet targets on safety improvement, increased productivity, water reduction and energy savings.

Sustainability is the capacity to endure. Engineered Sustainability by Rexnord is a product program to design durable conveyor systems with components that guarantee optimal product handling without compromising the ability to meet targets on safety improvement, increased productivity, water reduction and energy savings. Latest developments include the Rexnord 1040 series TableTop® Magnetflex® chain and Rexnord 1001 series MatTop® chain, which will be presented at Brau Beviale in Nuremberg in hall 7A, booth 425.

Rexnord 1040 series TableTop Magnetflex chain

The Rexnord 1040 series TableTop Magnetflex chain contains state-of-the-art features to provide the lowest friction at a constant level, resulting in direct energy saving on each conveyor. The chain helps reduce or completely eliminate external lubrication and additional waste water collecting on the equipment, with products that are suitable for “dry running” at high-speeds.

Rexnord 1001 series MatTop chain

In any working environment, safety comes first. In the beverage filling industry, potential safety hazards on production lines include: slippery floors, high noise levels and excessive high-speed moving parts in machinery and on conveyors. At Brau Beviale, Rexnord will demonstrate how safety is further improved with the Rexnord 1001 series MatTop chain. It requires little to no external lubrication and features closed chain surfaces for minimised noise levels.

The result: increased productivity and safety at the lowest possible overall operating costs, plus reduced water and energy consumption.

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