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News 08.09.2016

Refresco Completes Acquisition Of Whitlock Packaging

The acquisition of Whitlock enables Refresco to create a new…

Refresco Group N.V. (Euronext Amsterdam: RFRG), the leading European bottler of soft drinks and fruit juices for A-brands and retailers, announces it has successfully completed the previously announced acquisition of Whitlock Packaging, a large scale US bottler. The acquisition of Whitlock enables Refresco to create a new growth platform in North America with return and synergy potential, similar to Europe.

The purchase price is USD 129 million, equal to EUR 117 million[1], on a debt and cash free basis. This represents an EV/adjusted EBITDA multiple of 7.3x and is in line with the average multiple paid by Refresco. The acquisition is expected to be earnings accretive in the first full year of consolidation.

Refresco financed the transaction via the existing syndicated term loan facility.

[1] at USD/EUR rate of 1.098.

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