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Market Data 29.09.2016

MD Expands The Flavour Of Italian Juice Market

Italian retailer MD Discount has expanded the fruit juice market with a new range of its…

Italian retailer MD Discount has expanded the fruit juice market with a new range of its ViViLand branded ambient juices featuring four new varieties not seen before in Italy. Introduced in April this year, the five ViviLand products are co-packed by Pfanner in 1 litre Pure-Pak® Diamond cartons with a large closure. The range includes: strawberry, blackcurrant, mango-passion fruit, pomegranate plus the apple variety which was previously on the market in a different package. The four new juices reflect the consumer trend for something different. “The largely ambient juice market in Italy is dominated by traditional flavours such as peach, apricot, orange and pineapple. But here MD has really brought new tastes to the Italian consumer who is increasingly in search of more choice,” explains Jacopo La Rosa, Elopak’s sales manager in Italy. “The popular apple juice has been re-styled and re-launched with the new juice varieties in Pure-Pak® cartons. The large closures are featured in different colours for an eye catching package and very colourful display in-store.” 

The Hermann Pfanner Getränke GmbH is a leading international Austrian beverage producer which has been producing fruit juice since 1933. Pfanner supplies beverage products to European markets including Germany, Italy, France, Romania and Czech Republic. The company copacks for retailers and manufacturers worldwide across its wide range of beverages including fruit juices, fruit drinks, energy drinks, iced teas, specialty beverages and other soft drinks. Since 2012 Pfanner has been producing beverages and fruit juices including also at a new plant situated in Policoro, Italy. “The ViViLand range is a very original range in the convenient and attractive Pure-Pak® Diamond cartons. The flavour innovation from MD has opened up the juice market in Italy by bringing  something completely new that is also in line with consumer trends. The Italian consumer will appreciate the novel, tasty and healthy juices.”

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