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Flavours & Ingredients 15.09.2016

Innovation In Beverage Flavours – Veggie Hype

With a trend seeing in food products for recent years, beverages are also heavily affected by the veggie hype. The development of a…

With a trend seeing in food products for recent years, beverages are also heavily affected by the veggie hype. The development of a vegan soft drink, however, is not as simple as it might seem. So far, to simply label orange lemonade with a vegan flag will not be thrilling for this highly demanding consumer group at all, because being a vegan is not just an eating habit but a general lifestyle attitude.

Based on these challenging aspects, Bell has developed the tool of „Sensory Flavour Pairing“ to create vegan soft drinks not simply being vegan but also tasting vegan. Cucumber for example, the trendiest vegetable among the cocktail ingredients will be taking its way into lemonades to be fused with juicy and zesty lemon. Also hop, a taste as manifold as the craft beers it flavoures is forecasted to become one of the top vegan beverage drifts in 2016. More into niche but undoubtedly with the vegan link as well: Baikal, the traditional Russian soft drink composed of numerous extracts with a flavour rather herbal and spicy and an enchanting smell of Nordic woods, best to be combined with stone fruit flavours such as plum, mirabelle plum or black cherry.

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