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Filling & Packaging 11.08.2016

Fauji Foods In Pakistan First To Launch In Ecolean’s New 125 ml Package Size

Dairy producer Fauji Foods Ltd, Pakistan is the first to introduce its tea creamer in the brand new…

Dairy producer Fauji Foods Ltd, Pakistan is the first to introduce its tea creamer in the brand new Ecolean® Air Aseptic 125 ml package. The two companies signed one of the most comprehensive deals in the industry during 2015. The corporation is now further deepened when Ecolean’s new smaller 125 ml package solution hits the shelves.

Earlier this year, most of the products in Fauji Foods’ liquid dairy portfolio were introduced in a variety of Ecolean® packages to the Pakistan market, making Ecolean the company’s leading packaging supplier. Fauji Foods will premiere the unique 125 ml Ecolean® Air Aseptic package for its popular Dostea brand, shortly to be followed by its UHT brand Nurpur.

“In order for our brands to be number one in the eyes of the consumer, the packages must be convenient as well as easily recognisable on the shelf”, says Aamir Khawas, Head of Marketing & Sales at Fauji Foods Ltd. “That’s exactly what we get with Ecolean. The new, smaller 125 ml package fits our consumers perfectly, with just the right portion size for everyday consumption. For us, Ecolean’s stand-up pouches are the future for liquid dairy products”.

“The on the go trend and smaller, single-serve packaging sizes continues to show strong growth globally. With the launch of our new smaller packaging size Ecolean continues to follow current consumer convenience trends”, says Anna Annerås, Marketing Director of Ecolean. “We are very excited to launch the 125 ml size together with the successful and innovative company Fauji Foods, in one of the world’s most dynamic dairy markets”.

Ecolean’s new 125 ml package is available in the Ecolean® Air Aseptic product range, for ambient distribution, with or without a straw. As with all Ecolean packages, the ease of use when opening, handling and pouring, together with its unique ability to be microwaved, attracts the Pakistan consumers, and liquid food producers worldwide.

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