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News 14.07.2016

Smart Hydration Reminder

Academic studies show that over 65 % of people in the developed world don’t drink enough water. Extensive in-house study concluded that most people…

Academic studies show that over 65 % of people in the developed world don’t drink enough water. Extensive in-house study concluded that most people “simply forget to“. For this reason a small team from Slovenia launched Ulla – a handy gadget that makes people pick up their water bottles more often. The human-centric technology behind Ulla helps people develop the habit of regular hydration, which reduces the number of headaches, improves concentration, raises energy levels and even helps with weight management.

How it works
The sensor’s hydration interval is programmed in a way that reminds people to pick up their water bottle at least twice per hour – that is 16 times in a typical 8-hour work day. Ulla reminds people to drink with a discreet visual notification, perfect for office environments. The blinking pattern stimulates peripheral sight, meaning the signal can be noticed even if the bottle is not standing right in front of the person. Ulla’s tilt sensor detects when someone drinks from his/her favorite bottle or a glass Ulla is mounted on, and resets the reminder cycle. It turns on when you are near it and turns off when you are away for more than 2 hours.

Ulla can make any bottle or glass smart Ulla is easily mounted on water bottles of all sizes and materials in seconds. It can also be attached to ordinary glasses and mugs. Ulla’s primary virtue is that it’s simple to understand and easily adoptable to busy lifestyle. “Ulla is not connected to your phone. We believe that people already have too many devices connected to their phone, and quantification of oneself takes time. We concluded that people who forget to drink water usually just need a simple trigger. If they pick up their water bottle 8 times instead of 2, that’s a big victory for us,“ says Damjan Malis, the founder of Ulla. “Ulla needn’t be charged as we a support a cable-free life,” he smiles.

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