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News 28.07.2016

New drinksplus Products From Dr. Chung’s Food In Korea

Due to the product’s good market performance, the company has now added another two beverages containing…

Dr. Chung’s Food has taken the lead in South Korea. At the end of 2014, under the brand name ‘Vegemil’ the Korean beverage specialist brought out a product innovation: UHT soy beverages with applemango juice, containing healthy, natural bits of nata de coco and peach as special extras. Especially among the younger generation this product – which combines added value and fun by adding chewy fruit particulates to the healthy soy drink – is gaining in popularity. Due to the product’s good market performance, the company has now added another two beverages containing particulates to its product range: a UHT soy drink with muesli, and a UHT coconut drink with nata de coco. The products are made possible using the drinksplus solution from SIG Combibloc.

Another innovation in the product portfolio of Dr. Chung’s Food is the ‘Real Coconut Milk’. The special feature of this product is that the drink contains all the pieces, and therefore all the healthy ingredients, of a coconut. This coconut product is processed and presented in a completely new way – with real bits of fermented coconut water, known as nata de coco, and squeezed coconut flesh, the coconut milk. There has never been anything like it on the Korean market. The main target audience for the product is young women who pay attention to their diet and want to nourish their bodies by eating foods with high-quality ingredients, but also demand an exceptional, natural taste. With its ‘Real Coconut Milk’, Dr. Chung’s Food has brought out a product that fits perfectly with the current ‘healthy snacking’ trend, where an emphasis is placed on making sure snacks, like other foods, are also healthy and of good quality.

The basis for the aseptic filling of foods with a particulate content is the flexible filling technology and the sleeve system from SIG Combibloc. Each food and beverage carton produced in SIG Combibloc’s production plants is individually shaped, sterilised and filled at the filler’s premises, in filling machines from SIG Combibloc. After the filling process has taken place, the carton packs are ultrasonically sealed above the fill level, and not through the product. This is to prevent particulates or fibres from becoming caught in the sealed seam.

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