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News 15.06.2016

ViBEration™ Launches On Kickstarter With Two Innovative, Low-Calorie Drink Products

ViBEration™ will bring a new dimension to the soft drink and flavored coffee beverage market. This much-anticipated product launch…

ViBEration™ will bring a new dimension to the soft drink and flavored coffee beverage market. This much-anticipated product launch on Kickstarter represents the culmination of nearly 10 years of tireless work and over $4 million in investments.

ViBEration™ is made possible by an innovative technology developed in Germany. The company is initially coming to market with two products: BE™, a highly concentrated pre-brewed/mixed coffee that can be added to milk or water; and ViBErant™, a tablet that dissolved in the mouth and delivers an incredible sparkle and flavor experience. Both products are healthy and low in calories.

"We spent nearly 10 years of intensive research and development, starting with a simple idea – to combine natural flavors and functional benefits in a single drink, allowing consumers to experience them just the way they wish," says Aaron Serge Bueno, Founder and Chairman of ViBEration™. "We found the answer in our unique protected encapsulation technology, which we originally called EP3, or 'Encapsulated Powder 3.' The '3' in EP3 stands for 'Sparkling' (where applicable) plus 'Flavor' plus 'Functional Benefits'."

Throughout the lengthy and intensive development process, ViBEration™ validated the market potential of its products with leading U.S. brands and renowned retailers. Likewise, consumer focus groups consistently responded well to BE™ and ViBErant™. The most recent focus group was assembled on March 22 in California; results from that session confirmed that the time was ripe to introduce the ViBEration™ line of products to the world.
According to Bueno, the products launching on June 13 are the twin astral bodies that make up the "soul" of ViBEration™. Both products will be sold with an environmentally friendly notebook in which consumers can record their inspirations, experiences and flavor notes.

ViBErant™ – A Fascinating Dry-Drink Tablet
"Dry-Drinks are a novel format of beverage products, invented for people who appreciate purity," says Bueno. "During our U.S. roadshow, we realized one of the major preferences for ViBErant™ was to consume it directly, without adding any water, just enjoying the pure taste and excitement of it. They wanted to be 'the bottle and the water' and have the tablets supplying only the pure sparkling flavor."

BE™ – Il Caffe
"Some of the most famous American coffee brands tried and love our coffee," remarks Bueno. "As I always say – Advertising brings you to the product, but only the product can bring you back again. With our coffee mix, you can be sure of one thing: When consumers try BE™, they will simply BE hooked. By controlling the serving size, consumers manage the level of flavor, the fiber, and most importantly, the calories. They have the power to create, change, and enjoy their own unique flavor every time."

Following the Kickstarter campaign, ViBEration™ will shift to a "name your price" strategy. Bueno and his team expect the crowdfunding perk prices to generally be the lowest prices.
"ViBErant™ is built on the principles of honesty, reliance and trust," concludes Bueno. "We're letting the consumer set the prices for our products. We believe the market supports innovation, and consumers will reward a brand that breaks the mold and delivers memorable flavor experiences."

Kickstarter Campaign

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