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News 30.06.2016


From June 1, 2016 the Danish biotech company ASIROS A/S has acquired the plant TRENSUMS A/S in Sor¿ from the Swedish…

From June 1, 2016 the Danish biotech company ASIROS A/S has acquired the plant TRENSUMS A/S in Sorø from the Swedish NORDIC FOOD GROUP AB. For a number of years the plant has supplied juices and concentrates for the Danish and international market. The production and service of contracts will continue unchanged, and the staff will retain their jobs.

Asiros Nordic A/S will focus on customers with a wish for quality products within fruit and berry concentrates, flavoured products, elderflower concentrate and organic productions.

Carsten Aalund has acceded as Site Director of Asiros Nordic A/S, responsible for production and sales. He has substantial technical and commercial experience within the business and has been plant manager at the former Vallø Saft and Agrana as well as process manager at Harboe Brewery and long-time director at Ardo. With his great technical and commercial insight he has the right background to take over the day-to-day management of the plant.

Asiros A/S is an international supplier of specially developed foodstuffs based on berries including BerryShield™ berry powders and MitoActive™. The high level of technical know-how of the mother company will create important synergies in the development of Asiros Nordic A/S products in the future.

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