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News 12.05.2016

DSM Unveils New Data On Consumers’ Top Health Concerns

DSM has published the results of a comprehensive new survey on consumer health concerns, which…

DSM has published the results of a comprehensive new survey on consumer health concerns, which reveals that today’’s adults worry more about weight than other health issues. The study interviewed almost 7,000 people across the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region and uncovers brand new insights into the main health issues troubling today’s consumers.

The survey shows that health concerns change throughout life, as people age. For example, while the top concern for children up to 16 years old is immunity and resistance to disease and colds, adults from the age of 18-50 are largely worried about weight. The findings illustrate that this anxiety then shifts again over time – with consumers becoming more concerned about their bones and joints as they get older (from the age of 51).

DSM’s survey also unveils the differences in the top concerns between countries. For example, people in Italy, France and Egypt are most worried about their protection against diseases later in life, while the majority of those surveyed in Poland and Russia are concerned with eye health. Meanwhile, weight is the top preoccupation for consumers in Sweden, Spain, the UK and South Africa. In Germany, on the other hand, bone and joint health is the main issue.

In addition, the results disclose that up to 45 % of people surveyed are worried about not getting the right amount of nutrition and half of those interviewed claim to be looking for foods with high vitamin content. However, despite these concerns, the survey found that only three out of ten people are eating five different types of fruit and vegetables a day, while just two out of five consumers eat 2-3 portions of fish a week on average.

The study also highlights the use of supplements by consumers to address their health concerns. The most used supplements by consumers of all ages are those that support immunity and resistance to disease and cold. For adults over 51 years old, supplements for bone and joint health follow closely behind, while younger adults (18-30 years) largely opt for supplements to take care of the appearance of their skin.

Interestingly, although weight is a top concern for many consumers, exercise and nutrition is preferred over supplements as a solution to tackle the problem – with 39 % total interviewees exercising to counter weight gain and only a total of 8 % taking supplements.

The survey is part of DSM’s ongoing investment in being a leading supplier of nutritional solutions for various health benefits throughout life. Maria Pavlidou, Head of Communications Human Nutrition and Health EMEA at DSM comments: “The survey has revealed essential insights that we can use alongside our scientific expertise to further support our customers in developing the right products for people at different life stages. Understanding the needs of today’s consumers is just one example of how DSM provides added value to its customers.”

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